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Advice on how to deal with coypu/ragodan

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We have a lake which is losing one of its banks due to coypu ... in strimming by the lakeside I have found a huge tunnel and the banks are in danger of falling in ... also seen the coypu (there may be a few, can't be sure it is the same one each time ) swimming around.

Local chasse aren't interested in coming out to deal with it but it needs to go. I've read a few postings on this forum and it seems it's a contentious issue about trapping and killing them, and the means by which to do it.

I'd prefer a humane solution but I guess if we trapped it and removed it (how?? they have BIG teeth and presumably put up a bit of a fight !) to another lake then that only moves the problem to someone else.

It has to go. Sorry to the animal-lovers out there, but that bank will cost a small fortune and a lot of work to restore. So how to rid the lake of the coypu?

Advice please, all welcomed ...
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Tether two or three small rafts in the lake with poisoned bait. So other animals are not likely to be affected.

If the borders of the lake are shallow a better idea is to erect a platform on stakes; the animal is heavy and clumsy out of the water; rafts can be turned over.

Platforms are imperative if you have fish.

Just in case you google them they are called ragondin.[;-)]

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I must admit to a soft spot for coypu/ragondin, but they are invaders from S America and cause a lot of damage in a european environment. That's why they wiped them out in the UK. I do think that if you can't put up with them you should kill them rather than exporting the problem. Indeed, they might even find their way back otherwise.

Have you asked at your Marie if they have any suggestions? I'm never keen on poison bait because other critters can find the body. We lost a spaniel to sudden acute anaemia and the vet said it might have been due to eating a poisoned rat.


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Poisons are barbaric and indiscriminate.

We have Ragondin on our river bank and in nearly ten years they have done no more damage than was there all that time ago.

Why not just leave them alone as their antics are a delight to watch.

I am, of course, as a lover of all creatures, merely expressing my opinion.

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[quote user="Bugsy"]Poisons are barbaric and indiscriminate. We have Ragondin on our river bank and in nearly ten years they have done no more damage than was there all that time ago. Why not just leave them alone as their antics are a delight to watch. I am, of course, as a lover of all creatures, merely expressing my opinion. .[/quote]

But they are Americans.........[6]

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Do you know that they have even replaced Yankie with Yellow in the International Phonetic Alphabet?

NickP, don't know which humourless North American person you mean but I notice that even you are careful not to say Man or Woman or, even worse, Gentleman or Lady!!![:D]

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[quote user="sweet 17"]

Do you know that they have even replaced Yankie with Yellow in the International Phonetic Alphabet?

NickP, don't know which humourless North American person you mean but I notice that even you are careful not to say Man or Woman or, even worse, Gentleman or Lady!!![:D]


Well there you go SW17, I'm only a Limey SOB. [:D]

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[quote user="woolybanana"]Lady Ragondin - yellow teeth, hunched back, prone to bite if approached. Ye Great Bobo in a Bucket, MIL is here.[/quote]

Wools, do you not think it's time you lay the ghost of the ex MIL?

Is she still alive or has she gone to Lady Ragondin Heaven? 

On second thoughts, don't bother answering the latter question.....[;-)]

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[quote user="NickP"]

[quote user="woolybanana"]Yanks go home?[/quote]

Wooly, don't start that again, otherwise we'll have that humourless North American person castigating us for allowing the Y word to be used [:D]


No worries, I think you will find that most North American persons have, by now, deserted this forum, due to its (I quote), anti-American sentiment. So you can probably anti-yank all you like.


edit: to go back to the OP, there are many recipes for ragondins. This one is for - wait for it - "tarte au ragondin"...


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5-element wrote:

No worries, I think you will find that most North American persons have, by now, deserted this forum, due to its (I quote), anti-American sentiment. So you can probably anti-yank all you like.

Would you like to qualify the quote? I have never read or seen any anti American sentiment on this forum in any way shape or form. [8-)]

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[quote user="Russethouse"]Then you haven't been reading the right threads  [;-)][/quote]

I read the threads that interest me not the ones you think I should read. So as I was saying "I have never read or seen any anti American sentiment on this forum in any way shape or form. Confused [8-)] 

I've seen a recent example of a certain person who is obviously paranoid about being called a Yank, but to me the term is neither derogatory or offencive, anymore than Limey or Pom

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[quote user="5-element"][quote user="NickP"]

Would you like to qualify the quote? I have never read or seen any anti American sentiment on this forum in any way shape or form. [8-)]


I could not disclose anymore as this was said to me privately.


In that case I'll take what you said as absolutely gospel [Www]

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... er... sorry to drag this back to the original thread after all this flirting going on, folks, but I thought you'd like an update.

The chasse chap came down eventually and said "aha, you have coypu!" and set some traps. I think they get a few euros from the commune for each coypu they kill as I know there is an 'initiative' going on locally against the beasts.

But he will come every day at 7.30am to check the traps. My question is: am I expected to give him a bottle of something (whisky Pastis, whatever) at the end of it? What's the protocol for dealing with the chasse getting rid of a pest on your land?
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[quote user="NickP"]

[quote user="Russethouse"]Then you haven't been reading the right threads  [;-)][/quote]

I read the threads that interest me not the ones you think I should read. So as I was saying "I have never read or seen any anti American sentiment on this forum in any way shape or form. Confused [8-)] 

I've seen a recent example of a certain person who is obviously paranoid about being called a Yank, but to me the term is neither derogatory or offencive, anymore than Limey or Pom


 I meant the 'right' threads to see anti American sentiment, not right as in right or wrong [Www]

PS I'm sure the 'trapper' would appreciate a gift....it might make him willing to come back if you have further problems

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[quote user="pachapapa"] Tether two or three small rafts in the lake with poisoned bait. [/quote]

The use of poison for control of Coypu has been illegal since 31 March 2009 (Arrêté du 6 avril 2007 relatif au contrôle des populations de ragondins et de rats musqués, Article 6).  Latest version (4 June 2011) of the relevant legislation here:


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