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Red kites

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We had about a dozen red kite flying around a week or so ago, it was a lovely sight. There is also a hen harrier who regularly skimes the field opposite our living room window as well as the usual buzzards. It's better than sitting in a bird hide, and more comfortable!
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Was this in France RR ????? 

I live in Bracknell and they have almost reached us on the way over from Reading but the estates around me are very law abiding and dont chuck there rubbish around  (  Kites seem to be scavengers in other places) .

They are one of our "things" ---  we always say "  Red Kite" and point when we see one

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Brings back memories of being on holiday years ago on a campsite in Brittany

Wife (who knows about ornithology but does not have the greatest eyesight): Ooo look at that bird of prey hovering there

Me (good eyesight but no knowledge of birds) : It's a kite

Wife: How do you know?

Me: I can see the strings


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We are in France ( Correze, in the Limousin). We also saw a coypu crossing the field when the snow was around about three weeks ago; I don't know if it was lost but the next day it was still around, but one field over, and my 18 mth old dog found it and didn't know what to make of it! She barked at it, ran round it but eventually left it alone and the next day it had disappeared.

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The Black Kites should be on the move as well now. We have Red Kites that over winter where we are so they always seem to be present. I'm not sure of the proportion that migrate. (most of the Black Kites do though). We've recently had more sightings of the Black Shouldered Kite as well which are much more delicate


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