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Loir scratching behind plasterboard walls


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We live in a fairly new build 'villa' (14 years old).

We're sure we've got one of these loir in the walls of the house.


heard scratchings from behind the plasterboards separating one wall

from another.   It is definitely there - behind the plasterboard - and

the gap is only small.

So what is it eating ?

We can't get up

into the attic to put down any kind of trap - because we have no roof

access space to the attic from any of the rooms.   The only access we

have is from the attached garage which is open to the attic space over

the rest of the house.   But the roof space and supporting wall is very

high;  and then there is very little head height from the ceiling of the

rooms below up to the roof. 

So we lie in bed at night

listening to this thing chewing away .... we hit the walls to make it

move away but damned if we know whre it goes - but it returns again.  I've heard it in the

ceiling above my study as well.

Don't know where to put any trap, even if they work. 


they work?;  would this creature move away from the inside the interior

plasterboard walls to go in search of something tasty like peanut


And would a French pest control company be able to do anything to help rid us of this demon scratcher ?


as though the place is haunted at the moment with the scratching behind

walls going on - fortunately I don't have a very vivid imagination !!

Help appreciated please -


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Last year when we stayed in our little gite, newly created but a barn conversion, we heard scratching. Also the light in the shower didn't work. Whatever lived (s) above that ceiling had made a meal of the wiring. We left a plug-in mouse scarer device and left the electricity on. I'm hoping that will scare the beast but not too confident it will work.
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I sympathise. We've had problems with scratching and knawing in cavity walls, also plasterboard. Like you we can't get to it/them. We presumed it was mice as we have caught some in traps in the kitchen cupboards.

The electric plug in thing does not work and I also get up and bang on the walls to try and frighten it off.

We made sure we sealed off any form of exit/entry to the house and yet we are still plagued. It's so annoying and definitely disturbs the sleep.

We have no idea what it is but if a creature trapped inside the wall how long do they live without food, or is it surviving on plasterboard and insulation?

I read that mice actually can survive without water for their lifetime!
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Remove any electrical sockets or switches in the affected walls to give access behind the platerboard and tip in the poison of your choice. I prefer the little sachets of stuff that smells like marzipan as apparently they dry out the body, preventing smells.
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Normally I would agree with you.

I do NOT, hoever, wish to poison or kill it - I just want it to become uncomfortable, to bcome worried or  frightened - whatever - so it will leave us in peace.

As for 'it's not hurting anyone' - I'm not sure that is a very sensible or helpful comment;  I understand that it can do incredible damage chewing, and gnawing through stuff including electrical cabling.

Which could lead to a house fire - which might 'hurt' us........

So I want to know if it is possible to 'drive it out';  maybe I should try witchcraft !!!!

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Wrong assumptions young man !!  My partner doesn't snore for one;  secondly if he did and it kept me awake - I'd soon wake him up.......!! - or move myself into a spare bedroom.

Anyway - none of your -------- business.   We have a 'dear little pest' that is chewing the fabric of our home.   Leave this dear little thing alone long enough and the walls might come crumbling down - you want to make us homeless !!

There are no 'gaps' into which we could put a stick wrapped with a diesel soaked cloth.   There is nowhere we can put mothballs that would be effective.   This dear little 'thing' is chewing its way behind the plasterboards...... causing damage - and you think we should let it be.

Anyone know an effective bit of witchcraft ? - that might be our only answer.  

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Its obvious you need to put something behind the plasterboard

I suggest its by drilling small holes which can be plastered later I would try injecting Ammonia bought from most supermarkets if no electrical leads were near by or a rat poison if that didn't work Be cautious with the latter one dead Rat that died because it ate the mains stank for 3 months
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The loir et al have been wandering round the walls of houses in France for hundreds if not thousands of years; perhaps one should respect their right to life and leave them alone.

Alternatively, the Romans used to eat them and they are still considered a delicacy is some somewhat rural Italian villages. If you were to start cultivating them instead of bullying them you could be on to a very nice little earner.

My first house in France and the obne where I am currently staying has them all over the roof and they seem never to have done any harm. Their noise gives a sense of community.

On the other hand, if you have marten in the roof, then you might have to chase it out as they pong like hell - rotting vegetables spring to mind.

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I can understand your point, Wooly - and if we lived in a lovely old stone house with solid wals I'd probably not worry too much.

But you missed what I said earlier;  this is a NEW build;  no stone walls - but the new, wonderful, properly insulated, draught free - MODERN bit of rubbish (which I loathe, detest, and hate... but that's another story).

I'm living a house I HATE - as far as I'm concerned the dear little thing can chew everything so the roof falls down and the place crumbles to bits;  however, I don't think financially that's a very goode plan, do you ?

Maybe simply because the French have the solid wall homes they haven't worried too much about this dear little dormouse;  but now there are more new builds perhaps the French might, in time, begin to realise that the dear little dormouse and modern housing materials are not a very good match.

In the meantime, enjoy your lovely old stone house - you won't have this little creature behind the walls chewing the electric cables, the plaster and the insulating materials  - be grateful for that.

But we do - and we have - and I simply wanted to know if putting a trap high up on one of the garage shelves might enable us to trap and move this dear little creature - that's doing damage to our home.

Maybe the idea of sticking pins in a picture of this Loir might do the trick....!!!!

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To be serious if one must (how 'orrible'): I once got rid of a load of mice and unfortunately loir too by putting out cage traps with some nice wheat and corn in them, into which they ran with great joy.

So, if you have seen any droppings which might indicate a route, a 'loiroute' as they say in the sticks, then put the cage trap there and wait. But, if you do manage to catch the loir, do have a real good look at them first as they are rather lovely. They will curse and swear at you too if captured or cornered.

It is almost impossible to make a house mouse or loir proof by the way as they have their ways, so to speak.

Alternatively, the idea of drilling holes and dropping poisoned wheat or whatever is cruel but efficacious, I reckon.

Dunno why we are all saying it is loir as I always thought that they did not chew cables.

The alternative, given your feelings for this house, is to move.
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chessie, if you read French then there is a rich vein of discussion on this subject. Type in something like "loir dans mon grenier et murs" and you will get the sort of thing you may want.

Here is an example though I can't make it live


On the other hand, you could simply call it Norman and live with it!
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[quote user="mogs"]

The electric plug in thing does not work[/quote]

Some do if they are more powerful but the problem in this case is the sound waves are unlikely to penetrate the plasterboard but bounce off. So getting the sound waves into the cavity would be needed.

Locating the point of access is obviously the best plan and it won't leave until spring, unless you drive it out with sound or smell.  I would use my sensitive microphone to hear the blighter and then you can deal more effectively. Do French operatives use microphones to locate them?  

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