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Hi all

We are taking possession of our new build in a few weeks time and had decided long ago on a name for our house - the land itself had been known locally by this name for many decades so we chose to keep it.  However, we have noticed that another property (new build) in the next street has adopted this name so unfortunately we need to think up another.  I think we were fairly safe permission wise on our original choice but can anyone tell us if we need to get permission to name a house.  Obviously we are not going to call it anything along the lines of La Pondarosa or Thistledome but maybe there are guidelines/rules?  It is very rural with only 2 other houses in the street so don't think just a number will be practical.  Thanks all.

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On the plan cadastrale ours just has a number, and we were thinking it would be nice to name it - not only for instructions to friends or delivery people - but just because it would be nice - although we have managed up until now - do we have to check with the Mayor?
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