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Michel Thomas Advanced French!


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It's out now! 5 CD's, at £50.  However, some places are doing discounts, cheapest I've found is Amazon at £35.

I'm going over the 8 CD course again, so I think I'll order the advanced.  I quite like his method and I find more sticks in between my ears!



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I have listened to the Michel Thomas tapes however, I am currently listening to Pimsleur and I find them excellent. They are based on a similar theory where there are no books involved etc. I have been taking classes as well but I find I have learnt more from listening to Pimsleur than I have from any other method. By the way they are quite expensive but I got mine from the library. There are three levels all of which have 30 lessons. I might give the new Michel Thomas a try when I am through with Pimsleur but for me there is no comparison.
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I agree, I've got a set of Pimsleur CD's, they are very clear and easy to understand, I find them a little slow going though. 

If you think they are expensive, have alook at thomas's website and see how much he charges for personal tuition, about £18000 for a 3 day course!!




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Oh dear, I think I will have to pass on the Private tuition then.

I too found Pimsleur a little slow going to start with. From what I understand he uses a specific technique that he supposedly discovered. When something new is introduced it must be repeated (you must try and answer the questions in the gap on the disc before the correct answer is confirmed) and the new information or sentence is repeated a few times with other new information for short term memory. Then it is timed to be repeated at certain intervals for long term memory. My talent for learning a new language is pretty bad to say the least and maybe because of this, I find these tapes to be excellent. However, I have to admit to listening to each side 3 or 4 times before moving on. But, it has really started to sink in. By the way as far as slow going, I do try and listen as much as possible but I have started listening in bed at night and it puts me right to sleep after about 10 minutes or so, better than counting sheep.

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My husband and I have also found the Michel Thomas cds very good.  We have just purchased the advanced course.   I can say anything I want to say and can translate written French quite well, but when French people speak to me I get lost as soon as they go off subject!!!! It gets a bit uncomfortable when I have to ask them to speak more slowly and to repeat everything.  On bad days I hide from the neighbours, on good days we have very interesting conversations.  Are other people as variable or is it just me???
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I don't hide from the neighbours, but sometimes wish I had, after I run up saying Bon Jour - and then nothing else will come. There is no rhyme or reason to it. Madame next door has to constantly readjust her views, loudly broadcast at all functions we attend, between "Marie-Therese can not speak french at all", and Marie-Therese can speak good french now".

I find Michel Thomas pretty good, but i'm always worried about what he's not telling you. I need to sit down and learn the grammar, which he doesn't teach properly.

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I too are listerning to Michel Thomas and will be ordering the advanced as well....I don`t think the woman keeps up????


I have trained my local coop shop to say "see you later" although having trouble getting her to say "Aye up" instead of "Bonjoir" and both my neighbours I have given them present`s of English to French dictionarys...

btw Anyone know what

‘bon pour accord’.Means?? I said to the archietech to KEEP IT SIMPLE cos I am simple....


Also on here for £35 with free post in uk...





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The woman on the Michael Thomas Tapes, She's my hero.

She really keeps me going, because she is the only person in the world who is slower than me at learning by this method. My favourite moment is when she tries to be clever, and offers " vol-eu-vent" sp??? instead of 'voulez-vous'.

Trust me, all starters, no one could be slower than this woman, you will feel like the brightest star in the linguistic firmament compared to her.

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I will have Michel Thomas engraved on my head stone, I'm sure I will. We have got the 8 CD original course and the 2 CD language builder. The woman on the original isn't my hero, I wish I could keep up with her. Is she terminally thick or a very, very good actrice? No to be fair they are both in a very strainge position and I'm sure that if it were me then I would just freeze...

We have them playing in the background during the day, you can do that when you are retarded retyred  retired and at home most of the daze. It is surprising what sinks in. When we are out and meet neighbours, most of them here don't speak any English, we try and get on with a conversation and usually have a lot of fun too. Even in the local butchers is good fun and we get what we want and make new friends too. I go in with both feet and when I get in a mess we work it out between us. All good stuff to get to know people.


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I have been assured, by someone who claims to know, that she is on the tapes to ensure that people who feel/are slow, will be heartened by her constant dimness. Can this be true?

If it is, then I say again, she is my hero, whether she is a great actor or not, because she made me stick at it, and go way beyond it (the cds in question), just so I would not be as thick as her.

Pathetic, yes, but sometimes that's what it takes/took to get me on the roundabout.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have the 8 CD course and I also bought the Michel Thomas French Language Builder which says it is the 'follow on from the 8-hour course' 'increases vocabulary' and 'boosts confidence in conversation'

I got this at Costco, it retails for £20 but it cost £9.98 at good ol' Costco. The 8 cd course was £23 something there as well. But in this Language Builder there are only 2 CDs. So, is there yet another one as well then??

I like the course. Hate his dentures clacking but you adjust. I just wish they could have gotten some other woman and not a Californian to be the 'dim-wit' as her accent is similar to mine and its really grating!

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I'd hate to be taught by Michel Thomas! Those frightening silences - even the English man seems intimidated at times when he's not completely the opposite and being smarmy. The American woman is almost gone by the last tape and prompted on virtually every response although she doesn't seem to be aware of her faults!

Having got to the last CD, I'm feeling confused. There is so much to remember despite the instructions at the being: no stress and don't try to remember. We've bought the follow up cd's which are supposed to revise everything we've learned.

I've also bought a "French grammar made easy" as I need the visual aids to learning and have made myself flash cards to force myself to remember!



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We have the 8 CD pack which we play especially in the mornings as we potter around. I also have the language builder which I find a great help.

But no one I know pronounces the words like Michel Thomas. I mean who says taaabler for table? It is either me or the fact I am so used to the strong Burgundian accents of my neighbours but it is bizarre pronunciation. My husband reckons it is to emphasise the different words but I am not convinced.

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 I assumed after reading everyone's post that the new Michel Thomas Advanced French was a follow up to the first 8 CD course with another full course. However, after looking on Amazon it appears to only offer the one CD.  Is this correct or is there another one that offers the full 8 CD course?
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 I assumed after reading everyone's post that the new Michel Thomas Advanced French was a follow up to the first 8 CD course with another full course. However, after looking on Amazon it appears to only offer the one CD.  Is this correct or is there another one that offers the full 8 CD course?
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Hi Frenchy,

I think that you will find that there are 4 courses. The one you have seen must be the introduction. The "French with Michel Thomes" is 8 CDs, then there is a "Language builder" of 2 CDs and the latest is the "Advanced French" which is 4 CDs. We have the 8 the 2 and the 4 CD sets, so you see we really are trying to learn. It's difficult when you have the physical age of a 90 year old, the mental age of a 16 year old and the brain of an Egyptian mummy.

The one thing that these courses miss is that you don't learn to write anything down, in fact you are not allowed to... It is purely speach. I find writing cheques a daunting task and the way I learn the numbers is to get a sheet of paper and write 1 to 16, 20, 30, 40, etc. over and over until I get sick of doing it. It works though... Now I can miss-spell any number you want and get it wrong the same way every time?

The courses are a bit expensive, but we must think they are worth it.

Good luck,


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Thanks for that Jonzjob. I was hoping that was the case. I too have the first 8 and the Language builder. I am totally involved with the Pimsleur tapes at the moment, which in my opinion are fantastic. But as soon as I am finished I would like to do the Michel Thomas Advanced. Must admit though I do prefer Pimsleur to at least the first 8 of Michel Thomas. Thanks again for the info.

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