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"Friend" helping is now saying I employed him


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I am totally with Nectarine on this one.  Yes I know it is lying, but sorry, that is what I would do I were in Janes position. After all they had both entered into an illegal arrangement. He would have to fight tooth and nail to get a penny out of me.

However, it is likely he will contest this and will probably be believed.  Especially if he resembles Brad Pit and Jane resembles Marti Feldman in a dress. 

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[quote user="Dick Smith"]"what do you consider to be the difference between "fibbing a bit" and what others have classed as lying?"[/quote]When you accidentally 'mis-spoke' perhaps [:D]

[quote user="Russethouse"]Oh - I don't know Katie, how many good looking men marry fairly ordinary looking women ? Sometimes they don't like competition, or are looking for a mother figure - not ALL good looking men go for Angelina Joli  (thank goodness !) [:D][/quote]

And vice- versa, I mean, how on earth does someone like Andrew Lloyd Webber for instance find love, I mean, it would be totally preposterous to imagine that his fame or the size of his bank balance at all entered into the equation wouldn't it [6]

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Its been a while since the original posting and no word from the poster so obviously they have sorted the problem. I also saw this published on a couple of other french forums with much the same responses. To be honest, I personally wouldn't want the world to know my business if it was as troubled as this one has been posted would you? There are ways of asking for legal help without going into too much detail.
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[quote user="Val_2"]Its been a while since the original posting and no word from the poster so obviously they have sorted the problem. I also saw this published on a couple of other french forums with much the same responses. To be honest, I personally wouldn't want the world to know my business if it was as troubled as this one has been posted would you? There are ways of asking for legal help without going into too much detail.[/quote]

For the most part, of course, the poster remains anonymous, so the world has no idea whose business they are getting to know.

I tend to be more suspicious of posts of this type where the poster is completely new to the forum. Apart from total time wasters who have nothing better to do, I was told by a student that he and his friends join forums to get ideas on how to answer their course work. So if something looks like an exam question, it might well be just that.

This one seemed genuine enough to me. But who knows?


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[quote user="Alan Zoff"]I was told by a student that he and his friends join forums to get ideas on how to answer their course work. So if something looks like an exam question, it might well be just that.[/quote]How enterprising of them [;-)]


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[quote user="ErnieY"]

And vice- versa, I mean, how on earth does someone like Andrew Lloyd Webber for instance find love, I mean, it would be totally preposterous to imagine that his fame or the size of his bank balance at all entered into the equation wouldn't it [6]


Who said Lord LW ever found love ? Sarah Brightman allegedly married him because of his size. Cannot remember her exact words but similar to "the biggest willy in the class".

Jealous ? moi ?


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[quote user="Val_2"]To be honest, I personally wouldn't want the world to know my business if it was as troubled as this one has been posted would you? There are ways of asking for legal help without going into too much detail.[/quote]

Why? Nothing has told me who they are. Jane56 could be in 56, aged 56, born in '56 or someone who lives in 56 with a budgie called Jane. [:D] A few paragraphs on a forum is not the same as standing up on a television show and spilling the beans.

You've been here... getting on for 20 years, Val? - so you know your way around the administrative systems of France rather well and if you have a problem, you know how to begin to resolve it. Not everyone does so an anonymous request on a forum directly related to a problem doesn't seem that odd to me. And, of course, it could always be a known member (with a budgie called Jane [:P]) who doesn't want to appear daft by posting a question when they know perfectly well that they should have known better than to have got in the situation in the first place... so they join up under a second identity. Which, eagle-eyed as the mods are, I'm sure could happen.

There's often suspicion too when a "new poster" asks a difficult, perhaps slightly panicky question. Well, in times of stress, isn't that the very time you'd be likely to happen on a French forum and explain the situation in the hope that someone else has been in a similar situation and / or can advise?

Yes, I know that there are the obvious trolls, hand-holding businesses and students who occasionally try to take the p, but I think it's kinder to assume the best and try and help if possible rather only help if the poster has first been judged (on little evidence) as worthy of it.

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Reading back over the original poster's situation, and the fact that he/she has not made any response, I would say the whole thing stinks !   Most of us are only too willing to try and help someone who has a problem, but if there is no feedback, you are left feeling "why did I bother?".

I cannot imagine anyone getting the Prudhomme to write a letter without a shred of evidence that there was any wrongdoing.  There was no contract, no payslip, nothing in writing, .....nothing.  No legs to stand on.

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[quote user="Albert the InfoGipsy"]

[quote user="Jacqui Too "]But I have heard that ugly men do have big willies, but I'm far to shallow to find out[:D][;-)][/quote]

Would you care to rephrase that? [blink]


OK, I thought some one would take it the wrong way (no pun intended) It was supposed to be read as 'Shallow' as in personality and not in dimensions!!

Albert you naughty boy[;-)]

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[quote user="Sunday Driver"]

Never a good idea to lie to the gendarmes....[8-)]



Oh come on..if it does not pay to be dishonest here why then is this lady so afraid of her lying and deceitful 'friend' ?

It goes without saying that if the 'dishonest one' is French and the 'honest one' is not...the 'dishonest one' will come up trumps...

I would lie, act-to-the-hilt, and deliver a performance worthy of entry to RADA in order to nail this creep.

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but as the original poster has put her side of the story and asked for advice, then that's what we should be responding to.  And if her ex-friend decides to write and ask for advice on his side of the problem, then we could reply accordingly.  But I don't think it's right for us to be judging whether or not they are 'deserving' of advice ... surely we should be free to post our questions (however ridiculous or simple or odd they may be) and the respondents should likewise be able to post their answers without it all turning into some kind of low-key moral debate.

(no doubt this will set off yet another thread which is totally unrelated to the original poster's question !)  

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