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Another French joke about the Brits


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Trois Anglais reviennent de France et comparent leurs souvenirs à propos du bizarre mot "cuiller", si nécessaire pour prendre le thé. Le premier dit qu'en français c'est un mot du genre masculin car on dit en France: J'ai lavé mon cul-hier. Le deuxième dit que c'est un mot du genre féminin car les Français disent: J'ai lavé ma queue-hier. Le troisième Anglais pense que c'est plutôt un mot au pluriel car il a entendu les Français dire: J'ai lavé mes couilles-hier.
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There is a wonderful translation link on another thread on here and I'm surprised that the rude picker on the forhum didn't drop 'couilles'. Mind you I must admit that anyone who can get their nuts in their mouth has my admiration.

It's like the guy who was watching his mate's dog in the pub. He was sitting there licking his knuts, as they do, and the guy said "I wish I could do that". His mate said "Ask him nicely, he may just let you"![;)]


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In a similar vein to ViveLaFrance's reply above about the way the

French pronounce English, can anyone work out what this means (see it

as a kind of riddle - answers on a postcard please...):

Un petit d'un petit

S’étonne au hall

Un petit d’un


Ah ! Degrés

te fallent

Indolent qui ne

serre cesse

Indolent qui ne

se mène

Qu’importe un

petit d’un petit

Tout gai de



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[quote user="Christine Animal"]Neil, we've had how to post a photo.  Could you please explain how you get a direct link in the word "book" ?   Merci.(I have just tried the "create a link" thing on here and the result is no different than copy and paste).[/quote]

I have been able to do that since the new software came online (as I use Firefox, I could not before)

Write your text as usual, highlight the word or link, click on the
icon next to the rubber above and a small window will open. Just type in your link or copy it from the relevant webpage.

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