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Spurrious accented characters in emails


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Some time last year, Will (sadly missed) posted about a useful little tool from lexicool which gave the French accented letters.

I've used this very successfully for writing letters and also for postings on this forum.

This week we had a visit from an elderly French lady who lives inland and comes to the coast area to her mobile home for many weeks in the Spring/Summer.

We've kept in touch during the Winter by email and I was quite pleased that I'd been able to write correctly using French accented characters.

Unfortunately she tells me that they don't appear correctly by the time she receives the email. For example if I write désolé she receives d@sol} or similar.

She said she's quite enjoyed working out what I was trying to say but that she understood better when I didn't use any accents!

Any guesses anyone?

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I receive very peculiar emails from an English friend who lives here in France but who has an exceedingly old computer with who-knows-what text programme installed - the emails are virtually unreadable. But it all adds to the fun in trying to decipher them.

Sue [:)]

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Well, Cooperlola and I have exchanged a couple of emails and all is well both sending and receiving.

My French friend uses a wanadoo.fr account so maybe it's that.

Anton, thanks for that which I hadn't even thought of. I would however expect lexicool to have covered that angle somehow to make the tool as acceptable to as many people as possible.

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I receive lots of E-mails from a group of French friends (A.V.F.) whenever the president sends one we all, not just me, recieve it like the above, in her case it is because she alters something to produce the euro sign that cocks up all her accented characters afterwards.

I have just sent out my first group e-mail in french using lexibar, I did actually find it very cumbersome to use as you have to drag and drop the cursor back onto the correct position in the text each time, I will now get an azerty keyboard.

Anyway I digress, I was also worried that they might recieve gibberish so I sent the e-mail to myself first to check and it appeared with all the accents.

One funny thing did happen though, a couple of them replied to me in English, not so funny you might say but they have never spoken with me in English, I knew that several of them could in fact and considered it a great compliment that they always conversed with me in French no matter how laboured my dialogue was.

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[quote user="J.R."]

I receive lots of E-mails from a group of French friends (A.V.F.) whenever the president sends one we all, not just me, recieve it like the above, in her case it is because she alters something to produce the euro sign that cocks up all her accented characters afterwards.


You may just have it there J.R.

To get the € sign I have to press Ctrl and Alt and the 4 key (not on the numeric key pad) on my QWERTY keyboard. I discovered this after posting a question on this forum about 18 months ago.

It was all to do with ensuring that I had UK English installed (I think!). It also cross changed the functions of the @ and " keys but I somehow managed to work that one out.

Although it doesn't explain why in letters usind Word and lexicool that I don't get the problem.

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I prefer using ALT+130 for é and so on, rather than using the Lexibar (see a previous discussion!). Using this approach, I can send special characters from Outlook 2003 to/from Hotmail without them getting jumbled up.  The only setting I can find in Outlook that may be relevant is in Tools/Options/Mail Format/International Options where "Preferred encoding for outgoing messages" is set to "Western European (ISO)". A quick Google suggests that this is a suitable setting for European languages. It might be worth looking to see if there is a setting in your own e-mail system that is similar. I'm no expert so this might be a complete hareng rouge.
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