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Thanks wooly

I had already done that in the settings, my original problem was not being able to read what I posted in the edit screen but someone helped me with that also.

I am using quite strong reeading glasses so dont have to much of a problem, I only posted because I couldnt see that rons posting was any larger than the others.

Ironically i have not been allowed to work or even lift a bag of shopping etc for the last 5 weeks, I have suffered 2 further retina detachments (and hence operations and weeks in hospital) just by walking in town for less than an hour, so one of the few things that I thought I could do is read or use the computer; but in fact even with reading glasses I have to ration my time to avoid eyestrain in the eye that cannot see anything!

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You may be able to get special screens that go over your computer screen to improve things (not sure) and play with the colours to find what is best on the eyes. I think greens are better than blues or something. Bit rusty on all that. Ask the eye specialist when you go again.

Question: did you see the Verdana 4 on my last message as that or is it still small. This is Verdana 3

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I refuse to wear glasses on the grounds that my partner is convinced that I need to (and of course she's right). Have to leave it at least a year! 35 is more acceptable for dwindling powers...

J.R. I can't say that I totally understand your sight problems but it sounds a rotten situation, I hope things can improve for you?  Bon courage. [B]

I use the 'increase text size' function on Firefox and am sure IE7 has the same option. Doesn't always work though...

As for you Ronaldo; you did use two font sizes when originally replying to my post. Consistency is your road to redemption!

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