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Please...how do I say...


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Dear all... can someone help me as I seem to have managed to completely confuse myself!!! [:(] [blink]

I want to write we went through... as in 'we went through my homework' [8-)]  I suspect this simply doesn't translate and I should just re-word or re-write the phrase, but I can't find/think of the correct verb.  I know I must sound stupid but I've searched my dictionary and I'm just not sure which would be most appropriate... review, examine, reflect... they just don't sound right but maybe I've spent too long on this now... [8-)]

why is it the silly things get me most stumped!!!  time for tea I think!!!  Any help much appreciated! [:)]


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Thank you ladies... I must remember not to try and translate from Devonshire to French! 

I've had a re-think whilst making tea... could I say ... Premièrement, nous avons regardé les devoirs de la semaine précédente...?  Can I use regarder in this way?  or should I use revoir or reviser..

Thank you very much for the help!!! [:D] [:$]

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