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déjeuner du matin?


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I think you got it all wrong[:D], she has finished with him and agreed to see him one last time (87 % of women finish relationships, men muddle along!). Of course she cries at the end because it is sad to end a relationship.
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It's just crazy.  But, on the other hand, life's like that.  We try but we don't connect and we call it a day. I think that's what it's all about.  We love each other, we can't agree, we agree to part in a more or less civilised way but we may or may not get together again in the future.  What do you think?
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Clair, please, please put that in French in a format that would agree with the poem.  I am now really, really intrigued.

I have thought along the lines of ....he leaves the cafe, walks along the left bank of the Seine and he commits suicide.

But, what do I know, as my French teacher says, I lack the romanticism of French people!

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[:(]no no no.......[:(]

She has hurt him badley , he has sat and listened to her confession, she knows she can never repair the damage, but she had to tell him , hes so hurt he cant talk to her , so he leaves with out a word, she crys because , she knows she has lost him and hurt him ............[:$] 

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No, Pads, he's the villain of the piece!  She has done everything to please him but he is unappreciative and she is now at a loss as to what else she could do.

He is one of these people who lives in their own world and barely notices the people around them.  He is not necessarily a bad person, just an unperceptive one. 

And God helps the poor women who have to cope with him!


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But then why would he bother to meet her for coffee? in the cafe with steamy windows , filled with smoke, and a greasy iltalien in the corner glaring at everyone and all the other customers staring into their coffee cups , as they have nothing to say and no one to say it too.if they had any thing to say.secretly wishing they had a beutiful woman looking at them so desparetly? 
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But, he is so uncommunicative!  How is she supposed to know she has broken his heart, if indeed she has done such a thing?

I loathe incommunicative men.  I'd rather they rave and swear.  At least you then know what they are thinking.

But, to just sit there drinking his bloody coffee and then put on his hat and mac and leave without a word.  I think that is just so dreadful that, if I were she, I'd go out in the rain after him and demand that he at least say something even if it is "I don't love you anymore and I don't know why I have saddled myself with a woman such as you"

Grrr.................bloody men!

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Live in your own little fantasy world if you'd rather[:P] UK statistics show a different story

falling divorce rate lowest for 25 years, about 12 per 1000, France being a bit catholic probably less!
the rest obviously so much in lurve they are able to tough it out!  Bill! Huey!
She takes a job at Tescos to pay off the card, and they have a 2nd honeymoon in Sardinia.[:)]

do not be cynical about love; in the face of disenchantment it is as perennial as the grass.  [8-|]

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Pads, I am not into all this stuff; I can't express my feelings, etc etc.  I like people to be upfront, even if they say things I don't agree with or are hurtful

That's just me but then, I am autistic/asperger sufferer!  I NEED people to be straightforward.  I can't do subtlety (however that's spelt) and I don't do "you don't have the sensibility to understand me!" because, let's face it, I probably don't!!!

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Ah but ...... we all know that after a few tears she runs after him, calling his name , he turns opens his arms and she runs into them. And they have fooled her over protective , cafe owning father into beleiving they have split up again !![:D]   
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Ok, Pads, you win.  I could live with that.  Thank you for putting an alternative point of view.  Sometimes it's just what people like me need; someone who tells us in no uncertain terms that ours is not the only perspective.

I don't particularly like it but I do appreciate that other people think differently from me.  On the other hand, I do wish other people were more like me because then the world would not be such a confusing place and I would not be running up against other people all the time.

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I think I suffer from what ever the oppersite of what you have is ? I can always find 10 different points of view to every sentance every one utters , its very confusing and I can never make my mind up what people want or think or expect of me . Its hard to have a point of view when you can see everyone elses [:(]
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[quote user="sweet 17"]It's just crazy.  But, on the other hand, life's like that.  We try but we don't connect and we call it a day. I think that's what it's all about.  We love each other, we can't agree, we agree to part in a more or less civilised way but we may or may not get together again in the future.  What do you think?[/quote]

I could not agree more with you sweet, you said it all. Yes thanks Clair, I am going to print it out and take it to our reading group.

I was just wondering as the poet is male and it's written in the "first person", perhaps it is the end of a relationship between two men?

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[quote user="Pads"]I think I suffer from what ever the oppersite of what you have is ? I can always find 10 different points of view to every sentance every one utters , its very confusing and I can never make my mind up what people want or think or expect of me . Its hard to have a point of view when you can see everyone elses [:(][/quote]

Pads, sorry, I couldn't respond last night as I was locked out of the forum and had to wait till this morning for James to let me in!

Mel, the poem is also good for changing, eg, to the present tence using "je", " je mets..................." and so on.  And then you can use nous with "nous avons mis".  It's endless fun but, if playing with the plural, be careful with the "me parler" and the "me regarder" because one takes a direct object and the other an indirect!

Voila, I am sure your teacher will be dead impressed!

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Have a care Mel, if she is french she might not take kindly to modifying his work! Originally a member of the surrealist movement, much of his work removed gender as style; Most of the specialist translations use 'Breakfast' as the title for this work.
If you look carefully through his work there are other clues, I like this one,

An orange on the table
Your dress on the rug
And you in my bed
Sweet gift of the present
Freshness of the night
Warmth of my life

As an aside Jacques Prévert was married for 10 years, divorced, numerous girlfriends and a daughter Michele. His poem Les feuilles mortes was sung by Yves Montand and loosely formed the basis for Autumn leaves sung by Frank Sinatra.

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Anyway, just read this thread, ( yess, can't sleep) , and I share Sweet 17 's perception of things... [blink]

But maybe we're wrong.. If we are, the man would be atypical...........

I had a conversation about that with my sister yesterday, about a man who was obviously chatting her up, invited her for a real déjeuner ( noon) to his place, great, sweet music etc etc; later sent an sms saying it was a lovely afternoon, bla bla, she replied with an invitation for the next day at her place, ( another déjeuner) , he replied " whenever you want/ any time, I ll call you back for arrangements later..

The call never came up, saw him at work the next day, he said " I have forgotten, hope you didn't die of hunger"

Supposed to be funny?

Men hate giving explanations, and the book, men come from Mars etc, is dead right , when there s a pb, a woman generally explains, a man shuts himself in his shell and doesn't speak, and it is an attitude women generally loathe.

Well, just to say I agreed with sweet 17 , [:D] .. yes, I know, I'm talkative..

Thank God some men are different..!! ( Must have been well educated by a mum or another fiançée before !!) [:P]

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