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Structure using "Faire"


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I've been doing the Michel Thomas courses and in the Language Builder course there is a particular structure he teaches using "Faire".

Here's an example:

Voulez-vous me faire voir?

Will you let me (make me) see?

I generally understand the structure using "Faire" including things like....

Voulex-vous le faire nettoyer?

Will you have it cleaned?

Now, to my question.

In the first example, if I want to say "Will you let me see it?

Where should I place the "le"?

Voulez-vous me le faire voir?


Voulez-vous me faire le voir?

Any thoughts please.  I do realise I could say something similar in a different way, but I'd like to get this particular structure nailed.

Many thanks

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[quote user="Christine Animal"]

Or maybe it's "fais moi pas rire", I got the wrong one wrong!   [:P]


Don't confuse me Christine[:D]

Can I stick with this theme for a moment longer.

If I want to use this expression in a subjunctive mood, would it be correct to say.....

Je voudrais que vous me le fassiez voir. ( I would like you to let me see it).

Does that look correct?

Thanks again for any input.

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