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I just love your accent!


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For those wanting to perfect the perfect seduction accent the film Le Cerveau on W9 tonight starring David Niven is a "must see" I think Frenchie might enjoy it as well [:D]

I have seen a few clips before and have been waiting a long time to see this film.

There are another couple of French films that interest me, one stars Terry Thomas also speaking French with a delicious accent but I have forgotten the name if anyone can help me.

The other is a film that I was wtching before I fell in that I already knew the story it was the French version of Tom Sharpes "Blott on the landscape" but it was called something like Le Ravin, the actress/comedienne who played Lady Maude was unforgettable. If anoyone can help me with the name I will also look out for this one again.

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[quote user="J.R gone native"]

For those wanting to perfect the perfect seduction accent the film Le Cerveau on W9 tonight starring David Niven is a "must see" I think Frenchie might enjoy it as well [:D]



JR, you know me too well  [:D]

I don't have W9 !! [8-)]

Some people don't dare speak French because of their accent, but believe me, an English accent when speaking French sounds very charming to us French people!! 


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Yes badly written, I would love to know the name of the French version of the film so that I can look out for its rediffusion and record it.

It was something like "le ravin" or the equivalent of trouble at the gorge, my dictionary does not translate gorge in that sense but I have a recolection that they may have used that word.

All the characters had the same name, Lady Maude, Sir Giles, Blott, Dundridge etc.

The actress played an amazing role especially in her naive virginal impressions of what constituted foreplay, I am sure that she is a successfull actrice comique a bit like Florence Foresti but it wasnt her.

Can anyone help?

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Thank you Antonia, that was indeed it [:D]

I had a hunch that the other was La Grande Vadrouille so will keep a look out for it.

And Valerie Lmercier too, is she a comedienne or just a great actress?

Re Le cerveau they certainly dont make em like they used too, I was pleased to discover that the train robbery scenes were filmed very close to me (I recognised the bridge) and delighted to find that the infamous cut in half Citröen DS scene came from that film.

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[quote user="Frenchie"]Some people don't dare speak French because of

their accent, but believe me, an English accent when speaking

French sounds very charming to us French people!! [/quote]

If speaking to a person of the French persuasion in your best "French" accent and they fail to understand, try speaking French with a Terry Thomas accent.  Once they know where you're coming from they understand perfectly.  The Queen's and Edward Heath's accents are suitable alternatives.

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[quote user="Frenchie"]

Hope this is what you wanted !



" Il te plait pas mon coupé ?? " [/quote]

Ca m'a plu [:D]

When I first saw that clip in the 70's I just wanted to go out with a cutting torch and try it on the first DS or even 2CV that I could lay my hands on, in later years once I owned my tronconneuse thermique I threatened to do the same once or twice with the cars of debtors.

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