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Help with French following AGM


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We've received the minutes of the AGM, which we were unable to attend, as my MIL had just died. The following is attached; I don't know if this is a normal addition, or is due to very acrimonious debate about tree cutting at the AGM.

' Les actions qui ont pour objet de contester les décisions des assemblées générales doivent à peine de déchéance, être introduites par les copropriétaires opposants ou defaillants dans un délai deux mois à compter de la notification desdites décisions qui leur est faite à la diligence du syndic, dans un delai deux mois à compter de la tenue de l'assemblée generale. Sauf en cas d'urgence, l'execution par le syndic des travaux décidés par l'assemblée generale en application des articles 25 et 26 est suspendue jusqu'a l'expiration du délai mentionné à la premiére phrase du présent alinéa.'

Sorry it's so long, and hope someone can help; knowing individual words, using our big dictionary plus a translation over the internet still left me at sea!

Thanks, Jo
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Quick translation:

Actions intended to contest decisions taken by general meetings must be presented by opposing  or missing co-owners within 2 months from the notification of the decisions by the syndic, notification which should be made within 2 months of the meeting itself, or they will be considered void.

Unless in case of emergency, the works to be undertaken by the syndic in agreement with the general meeting in accordance with Art.25 & 26 are suspended until the delay mentioned in the first sentence of the present paragraph has expired.

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[quote user="gardengirl "]We've received the minutes of the AGM, which we were unable to attend, as my MIL had just died. The following is attached; I don't know if this is a normal addition, or is due to very acrimonious debate about tree cutting at the AGM. [/quote]

The quoted text is standard in co-propriété AGM minutes; as the translation indicates it is to inform you of the time delay for contesting the recorded outcomes.



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