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A higher levef of French needed to take Nationality


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From 2012 people wishing to take French (and presumably dual) Nationality will have to show a higher level of French:

"À compter du 1er janvier 2012, les étrangers auront

l'obligation d'accéder à un certain niveau en français. Selon le jargon

technocratique, il leur faudra avoir le niveau B1 du cadre européen

commun de référence
pour les langues du Conseil de l'Europe. Plus

prosaïquement, ils devront posséder la même maîtrise du français à

l'oral qu'un élève de 3e
. Selon l'un des arrêtés, ils devront

comprendre le «langage nécessaire à la gestion de la vie quotidienne et

aux situations de la vie courante». Selon le même texte, ils devront

être en mesure d'«émettre un discours simple et cohérent sur des sujets

familiers ».


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Funnily enough, Norman, that is what I feel about the language thing.  Whilst I know very well that it is possible to cope without, one of the reasons why I feel it's so important at least to try to learn is how isolating it can be if you don't, when you are put in a situation like mine.  I often wonder how much worse it would have been, for instance, if I hadn't been able to make some friends when I spent 6 month in rehab' with no other Brits except when my friends visited.  I think it would have been a truly horrid experience.  To say nothing of understanding what my doctors/physios/occupational therapists/nurses etc were trying to tell me. Thus basic conversation and comprehensive seems like a minumum to me, even though I would never force anybody to do anything.  For one's own sake, I think it's of paramount importance to be able at least to have a chat, if not an in-depth discussion.
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Can you, Norman, or you, Coops, please explain the benefits conferred by dual nationality?

Go on, do tell me and then I'll decide if the benefits will be sufficient motivation for me to improve.

All this week, I have been doubting things, not believing things, finding things bizarre (followed by que, of course)!

Yes, you've guessed....I've decided I'm fed up with myself for not coming to grips with the subjunctive, so I have been practising at every opportunity. 

I even know all the irregular subjunctive verbs by now though only in the present![blink] 

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The main one at our age is the right to vote in all elections, not just local or European.

You can even stand for President ( look at Eva Joly)

I am without a national vote now as I left the UK more than 15 years ago...

When I was younger it would also have opened up jobs.

I also feel it declares a commitment to the country which is providing and paying for my Health care, and other Social Services, as well as showing that I support their systems of Government. I personally prefer a Republic but don't want to open up that ..

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Yes, to me it is all about being disenfranchised.  I'm beginning to realise how the sufragettes felt when I watch this current president and his hangers on and can't do much about it.  Yes, I know that many people don't believe a vote counts for a lot - certainly not a lone one, but if we all felt that way then I dread to think who'd end up in charge.  I will now descend from my (other) soap box.
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Coops you've reminded me of a tale told by a friend who couldn't get her income tax sorted while she was living and working in the USA.

Remembering her history and trying to get her form noticed she wrote "No taxation without representation" in large letters across the top of it.

Very shortly afterwards she received a visit from two very earnest young men in grey suits and her tax was quickly sorted out. She still didn't get a vote though.


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[quote user="Hoddy"]Coops you've reminded me of a tale told by a friend who couldn't get her income tax sorted while she was living and working in the USA.

Remembering her history and trying to get her form noticed she wrote "No taxation without representation" in large letters across the top of it.

Very shortly afterwards she received a visit from two very earnest young men in grey suits and her tax was quickly sorted out. She still didn't get a vote though.


This is how I feel about having to pay tax on my pension in the UK when I am no longer allowed to vote on how that money is spent

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[quote user="NormanH"]

From 2012 people wishing to take French (and presumably dual) Nationality will have to show a higher level of French:


Well there you go... shows how little I know as I thought I would have to lose my British Nationality if I wanted to have a French one.  I never realised you could have a dual Nationality - no idea why, I think I just assumed that was the case. 

And coops you're so right - you never know when you'll really need to understand the language well.  When I was having my treatment my french improved no end - but mainly because I had a decent enough knowledge before hand.  My french is far from perfect but people were happy to correct me and just generally talking improved my understanding ... I used to have two, hour long, physio sessions a week  and we talked about everything and anything.... if I'd had none or very little french I think this would have been a nightmare and I feel so sorry for folks in that situation.  It would be a very scary and isolating time and I can see why lots of people chose to return to the UK in such circumstances (if they're able).

Certainly when I was learning french I used to think I have to be able to converse and help my son at school - I never considered that I may be ill... it is something that folks should consider.

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