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Casting Géant


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The article is copied below. Re-reading it yet again, and having Googled the phrase (it seems common), I guess it means casting in the theatrical sense.

"programmateurs" I took to be the computer sort, and I couldn't see a connection with librarians either.



Pour aider le réseau des médiathèques et bibliothèques départmentales à elaborer leur programmation annuelle et plus particulièrement la semaine dédiée au jeune public <<Scène d’enfance>> , le Conseil Général a accueilli le 15 juin dernier 28 compagnies du Languedoc-Roussillon. Elles sont venues présenter des extraits de spectacles, rencontrer les programmateurs et les bibliothécaires… Une centaine d’entre eux, dont certains des départments voisins, y sont venus faire leur marché pour l’année.


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Great Bobo, you have all got this wrong. It is about fishing, of course, and is quite a common little autumn game in France; the participants line up round a lake and cast their lines towards a target set in the middle. The first to hit it ten times go forward to the next round. And, by the sound of it, this round is for excepionally tall people. If you look closely in the small print it will probably say petit casting and give another date.

The old expression was casting nain which is less used these days of political correctness and because some drunken thugs understood this to mean that the  people or reduced stature had to be thrown at the target, which they resented as the water was cold .[6]

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