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New online weekly magazine: you might find it interesting?


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Some while ago, I mentioned LCF Magazine on here. It's an internet magazine to help people learning French, although mainly targetted at the more advanced learner.

Well, I've just had an e-mail from them introducing "La Litote", a weekly supplement to LCF, which looks quite interesting.

Here's the link: I've removed the link now, because some kind soul has jusr called me to let me know that it had my personal email address at the bottom! If you'd like it, please pm me, but otherwise, I suggest you go to [url]http://www.lcf-magazine.fr/magazine-lcf.php[/url] and subscribe (right now, it's still free, but not, apparently, for much longer) and most probably they'll send you the copy of "La Litote" that I got by e-mail.

Sweets, I don't mind you having my email address, but please don't sell it on to any spammers! [:D]

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Betty, you little beauty, thank you for a very interesting and useful link![:D]

I have really enjoyed this first edition.  The Simone de Beauvoir article in itself was food for thought.  On the one hand, things have progressed greatly for women; OTOH, some of what she talked about definitely lingers on in large parts of society (so-called civilised Western society included).

What amuses me about the culture française part was where it says il ne faut pas essuyer son assiette avec du pain!  Now I know the level of French society that I find myself in![:D]

The jeu de mot part didn't do much for me but then I hate these puzzles where my first is x and my second is y.  I am one of these people who hate card games, board games, charades, etc.

As for orthography, that's a definite YES for me.  It might even help me with my spelling.  I am now endlessly confused between French and English spelling and I am getting worse in each.

merci à nouveau [:D][:D][:D]

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A superb magazine Betty, I have signed up but that only seems to give me access to telécharge old editions, couldnt find anything regarding La Litote, I will check my inbox to see if it comes but otherwise could you PM me the details please?

Now for the big question, do you know of any (preferably free) resources like that for teaching and learning English, it is exactly what I have been looking for for my Friend the English teacher, all the resources available to her are written and translated often very poorly by the French, something like this magazine would be superb especially the pedagogic resources, I could use it myself also for my young student.

Thanks again [:D]

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Thank you so much Betty [:D]

If they are only a quarter as good as that french one then they will be far better than what she has available.

Here is a request that is out there as they say.

The other teachers at the lycée often ask us to do translations for their specialities, the students have classes called Anglais lié à la specialité (probably wrong spelling) anyway the most frequent is for stuff on logistics, they asked me to look over a document that was a health and safety notice given out to visitors to a factory, do's and donts etc and whilst they had an English version (and they had paid for this stuff) it was a Google translation and a bad one at that, I started to redo it properly but it was so hard as the very notice itself would be composed in a completely different manner in the UK.

All the lecturers seem to find the formulaires that they want from french businesses, understandably of course, and then want them translating, it would be far better to start with a document from a UK company, with a little help from me they would then be able to do a far better French version than I can do an English one and with the minimum of effort.

So in an ideal world, amongst your gazillions of stuff would there be some plain simple things like time sheets, work orders, delivery notes, any sort of internal company documentation in the domains of transport, distribution, vehicle repair and maintenance, lorry driving etc?

Just a point in the right direction is all I am asking, this stuff does exist in L'education Nationale but as I said its done from the French to the English which is the wrong way IMHO.

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There's nothing specific, Chancer, but if I'm doing translations I sometimes simply google what it is I'm looking for and it's amazing what pops up. The initial search can be time-consuming, but it's usually there! Google.ca is also a rich source of bilingual stuff, because many Canadian companies publish their stuff on the internet in English and French, although you clearly have to be aware of the differences between Quebecois and proper French.

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If you're getting stuck into the ESOL stuff, then by dint of struggle (I'm registered, but it's one of the least user-friendly websites known to man) I've found you the audio files that go with.

Here's the link: [url]http://archive.excellencegateway.org.uk/page.aspx?o=201231[/url]

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Betty, ne t'en fait pas; your email is safe with me.  I promise I won't sell it on unless someone meets my price.

Chance, you could also google the TEFL sites + teacher resources.  There was a site that sent me lesson plans and tips on teaching English on a monthly basis.  Can't remember the name but they are big in the TEFL world so not difficult to find.

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