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Translation Programmes


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Does anyone have any recommendations for a translation programme that can be used 'Off Line'' ( ie not requiring internet access ) on a tablet / i pad etc.

The reason I am asking is that Mrs PD is, to be absolutely honest, pretty useless at French. She has already experienced being in hospital 3 times and may well have further experience in that regard.

If her tablet ( a HUDL ) had such a programme installed it would certainly be a great help in communicating with medical staff.

Individual word dictionaries are not the answer, it needs the ability to translate sentences in full. All the downloadable programmes I have come across require an internet connection to function and such connection cannot of course be guaranteed.

Any ideas?

ps. We are not looking for a 'free' download but it would of course be nice !
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It's the bit about "translating sentences in full" that worries me.

In order for any automatic translation tool to make sense of whatever it is you're trying to say, it needs context. Without that context, there's an inherent risk that any "translation" will be complete nonsense. All the more critical if the subject matter is of a medical nature.

I read somewhere that Google translate for Android OS has an offline facility now...and I assume that as it's google translate it will be free.

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''In order for any automatic translation tool to make sense of whatever it is you're trying to say, it needs context. Without that context, there's an inherent risk that any "translation" will be complete nonsense. All the more critical if the subject matter is of a medical nature.''

I cannot disagree but...... I think a more critical situation is if there is no understandable communication at all.

Some Doctors have a tendency to ''talk down'' to the patient and treat them as having the understanding of children, however when the same 'patronising' attitude is compounded by a language problem then the problems are somewhat magnified. I'm not talking about GP level Doctors but Consultants sometimes have an over-inflated sense of their ''god-image'.

Thanks for the Google tip, I will investigate.
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