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Murder most foul


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According to the World Health Organisation (and you're not allowed to say "who???")   you are slightly more likely to die from murder in France than in England.

0.7 murders per 100 000 in England.

0.85 murders per 100 000 in France.

It's 1.02 in scary Spain, and even scarier Scotland has something ludicrous like 2.33 (exceeded in Western Europe only by Finland), so if you go to any of these places, keep stocked up on porridge, and keep your hand firmly on your machete.

Germany's the safest, with 0.68, but zey haf uzzer veys off making you tock. 

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Gosh, I'd have never have thought of Finland when thinking about violent places to live.

I am very sceptical at any official figures ( crime or otherwise) produced by the UK.

I suppose a lot of uk murders get 'downgraded' to manslaughter at court etc and this is then reflected in the official murder figures.

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My kids have a book, granted its a few years old now with all sorts of facts and figures about pretty much most countries. In this book, out of those countries that gave figures and some countries just do not supply certain details re prison population etc, I was surprised to see how the UK figures fared compared to other countries. yes I'm a cynic

I read the Beeb website and the number of  non accidental deaths for want of a better word, seem to be very high. You know, the stupid mindless yob culture deaths that stand out - I know these sort of things happen in lots of places but they do seem to be on the increase in the Uk.

I'm also aware that serious crimes do get reclassified and that a person charged with murder can and often is convicted for manslaughter. In doing so, it would make the UK seem a far safer place to live perhaps, if the WHO poll is based solely on Murder rates.

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...and a dash of pepper plus a delicious sauce, washed down with a very nice Burgundy....Doesn't make it any more believable but a lot tastier  Miki

Here's a little example of that

'Worryingly, the UN league of countries where you are most likely to be assaulted (sex offences and murders are discounted) include only English-speaking nations in the top five'.

(Stuart Jeffries in the Guardian. Sept. 19th 2005)

Give the pot a good stir now.......

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Don't think it's anything to do with friends. There is currently a guy in the Scottish prison system (who has already walked away from 2 murder prosecutions) who I have a relationship with. My side of it is that of a prosecution witness and on his side he just wants to kill me. When he gets out it's really going to be a kill or get killed situation. I am not afraid, I think I would have a fighting chance (he's aready tried to knife me) but  I am not willing to entertain the potential jail time.

No wonder I'm in France!

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