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We never have trick or treaters here in France.  Halloween just doesn't seem to be celebrated - sauf the odd private party - which we used to have 3 years running and then daughter started to go visit Gramma in the States where Halloween is at occult status !

In the states we always said Trick or Treat !!  and thank you when the candy came.  You can always add the

trick or treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat

Always hated that one, but the little ones love it !  Don't think it is translatable...

Happy Halloween (coming) ..

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Halloween has really turned into a big commercial thing here in France now, just look at all the costumes,lanterns,pumpkins and sweets etc already been onthe shelves for a few weeks. Living in the village centre we get most of the local children come by, who take time to dress up and when you open the door,you get a large plastic bag thrust in your face with a merci when you have donated,one kid had his mum's shopping bag the other year. Don't make the mistake of letting them help themselves to your goodies,they will take the lot in one go!! The dentits must make a fortune inthe months following this event.
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Ah ben ça, c'que les terreurs demandent, ça dépend des coins. 

In Normandy: 'un calvados ou je t' rosse ?'

In Paris (my street): 'ton larfeuil ou je te crève l'oeil ?'

In Provence: 'un calisson ou des gnons ?' (or variation: 'des rognons ou des gnons ?)

In Bresse: 'un poulet d' Bresse ou je t' fesse ?'

In Montelimar: 'Des nougats ou passage à tabac ?'

In the Midi: 'un Pernod ou gros bobo ?'

In Marseille: 'une boullabaisse ou ta caisse ?'

In Toulouse: 'un peu de Cassoulet ou nez cassé ?'

In Brittany:  'des bonbons ou je te jette un sort ?'

In Cambrai: 'Friandises ou bêtise ?'

In Agen: 'des pruneaux ou un pruneau ?'

In Strasbourg: 'Une bonne choucroûte ou j' t'encroûte ?'

In Lyon: 'bonbon ou bâton ?'

Voyez, ça dépend. Et y'en a encore un pelletée comme ça.

But does anyone know why the Lyon one ?

What about the Agen one, doesn't make any sense -or does it ?

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Sorry forgot the coastal Brittany one: 'un hareng-saur ou je te jette un sort ?'

Bon, has anyone found the answers to my 2 cultural questions ?

Or am I talking to myself here again, looks like I am, first sign of madness they say*.


(*P.S: maybe not after all, first sign is to talk to Christine surely)

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And my kids would have prefered a baton to a bonbon I think, as I used to buy them Baton Lyonnaise that were a sort of saucisson.

I hope it means that in Lyon too, but I don't know as sometimes things get changed a bit and names can have a bit of play to them too.

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Being of an excessively soft and lenient bent I suppose I can just about give you that one BizzyLiz (about the 'pruneau'), not a bullet but a blow/smack in the face. ('pruneau' or 'prune' -note that 'prune' can also mean 'fine' or 'ticket' in colloquial French -CUT*)

Nothing to do w/ saucisson for the Lyon one, can't give you a clue, unless you beg for it of course. Keep trying, you're nearly there.



*Commonly Used Term

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