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Make Sunday a hunting free day!


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Perhaps I should post this on a separate thread.  Zebby dear, instead of playing the giddy goat and the mule, perhaps you should get a horse, instead of a quad, and join some of your compatriots as I have just received the following message from the Rassemblement Anti-Chasse mentioned above :

si vous ne pouvez pas lire ce message, cliquez sur le lien http://www.antichasse.com/mailings_new/anglais.htm


Rassemblement  Anti  Chasse

Les Anglais veulent chasser à courre en France

Souvenez-vous, en février de cette année, nous vous avons alertés sur le risque de voir des anglais invités par le maire de Pau  pour faire des chasses à courre au renard puisque cela venait d’être interdit chez eux. Le maire parlait même de rénover certains bâtiments pour mieux les recevoir !

Vous avez réagi en nombre auprès de la mairie de Pau ; cela a fait prendre conscience au maire à quelques uns de ses conseillers de la violence qu’était en réalité la chasse à courre sous des aspects de fête et d’ambiance sympathique.

Ces invitations ont été annulées. Vous devez toutes et tous en être remerciés.

le même anglais, avide de cruauté,  Jeffrey Quirk ,  qui avait sollicité la Ville de Pau, veut maintenant exercer sa violence sur les renards de Lascazeres dans les Hautes Pyrénées !  Le temps presse, nous vous prions de faire l’effort d’écrire vite, par La Poste, au maire de Lascazeres, Monsieur Bourbon, juste quelques mots pour dire « arrêtez ! assez de violence dans notre pays ! La chasse à courre, survivance seigneuriale ne devrait plus exister dans notre République, refusez de réaliser les fantasmes de Jeffrey Quirk !  . »

Vous qui respectez la nature et les animaux,  dites le avec vos mots, avec votre cœur, avec votre conviction, écrivez vite, aujourd’hui, demain, bientôt !  C’est urgent. C’est vite fait et c’est important.  

Nous pourrons, ensemble arriver à faire arrêter ces horreurs !

Monsieur Bourbon  Maire de Lascazeres     Mairie de Lascazeres

7 rue des Pyrenees

65700 Lascazeres  ;

Tel /Fax : 05 62 96 35 39

Si vous trouvez l’adresse Internet de la mairie de Lascazeres, continuez par e-mail.

En attendant, vous pouvez aussi envoyer vos protestations à divers députés et responsables de la région (faites un copier/coller) :<O<img src='/cs/images/emotions/tongue.

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Hi Chrissy

I do like horse riding I ride most weekends, I am however not a hunter, I gave up in 89 for the boring old reason that I was fed up with killing things so I decided to watch them instead. However I do apreiciate that hunters enjoy hunting and from my point of view should be able to pursue game for the table on any day of the week. I do not agree however with the slaying of recently re-established species or the netting or glueing of songbirds. I have no difficullty co-excistng with hunters or anti hunters as long as they are reasonable and tolerant and do not try to interfer with my lifestyle.



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Making Sunday a hunt free day, back on topic.

Supposing, just for example, I (or someone else) wish to take a group of young (or older) people into some woodland or a forest during the hunting season (September / March). This could be to provide educational instruction - sort of field studies, the type of activity that I would imagine most people could see the benefit in. Obviously the cycle of activity changes with the seasons, therefore there are different things of interest at different times of the year, so it's no good saying "do it in the summer"  If Sunday could be made safe this type of activity could be made possible which is not presently the case.  Safety in this case would not be the only issue, it is extremely difficult to get close to certain species at the best of times - people with guns in the vicinity make it impossible.

One day, thats all.

Is that reasonable?

What is a "tree hugger" please?


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Very interesting item about Jeffrey Quirk. Thanks for that.

As it happens, he was featured on a BBC TV programme yesterday evening, which was covering the lives of four different English people who have moved to France. He was, at the time of filming, going around his neighbourhood trying to get the agreement of landowners to hunt across their land - and he did not seem to be meeting with much success. The mayor of Pau, seemed to be incensed by this gentleman's assumption that he could "ride to hounds" in France, stating that it was against the law - which I did not know, and am not sure is correct. So the news that the mayor had welcomed the enterprise seems to run counter to the impression on the film.

We shall be joining the RAC - no, not the British one!

Incidentally, next Wednesday evening is another BBC transmision reporting how French "emigrants" to Britain are faring. Could be interesting.

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But why must it be a sunday why not a monday or thursday.There is not a lot of hunting on these days. Any way battues are organised well in advance and surely it is not to much to ask to contact the local fed de chasse and discuss which dates they are going to have a battue. As I have said everyone has to try to fit their activites in so as not to cause too much disruption. When you say the hunting season is from september to march do you know which catorgries are covered by date. Different species have different seasons. I will take the liberty of publishing details of the entire 05/06 hunting season perhaps that will save some confusion.



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Zeb, I have re-read this thread and can find absolutely no substance in your claim the the "no hunting on Sunday" lobby has lost the argument.

You keep trotting out the same old clichés about the short hunting season, the hunters' rights, and no danger except during a battue. In reply, most respondents have pointed out the "selfishness" of 3% of the population effectively dictating where 97% can't go on Sundays. So what about their rights and the selfishness of the hunters. After all, the petition which originated this thread is not advocating the banning of hunting, but only asking for a level playing field. 3% can hunt for six days a week for 20 weeks (120 days), whilst 97% can walk safely for 20 days. Not exactly a well balanced request, but still very much in the hunters' favour.

As for battues only being dangerous. What a load of cobblers! I have personal experience of a shot from a very careless hunter, very narrowly missing me and my dogs when we were actually walking in a public leisure area. 

I shall read any reply with interest and respect but only if it adds something new to the discussion.


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I will say it yet again the hunting season is very short and you are behaving like a gang of spoilt brats. You are greedy, you want all the cake. You do not want to share anything. I don't really know where you got the 3% 97% from but you are so obviously wrong. Do you pluck these figures out of thin air? Any way dream away you will never get your sunday free hunting. Do you have any firm evidence about being shot at if you have send it to me and I will pusue it for you along the correct legal channels.                                                                                 Have a good weekend.


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Zeb, this really is my last posting on this thread. Your comments are becoming boring and repetitive.

The 3%. The following is extracted from the Nation Federation of hunters own web site.  La Fédération Nationale des Chasseurs coordonne l’action des Fédérations Départementales et représente 1.450.000 chasseurs de France. As the population of France is around 55 million, that makes the hunters 2.6% of that number. I have been too generous with my figures.

Selfish? No! Let the hunters have Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday and the remaining 55 million of us can have Sunday.

I did not say that I was shot AT. Some three years ago, I was walking our dogs in a public recreation area when a hunter fired at something in our direction. I heard the shot and immediately heard a load crack as his projectile (bullet? lead shot?) smashed in to a tree trunk just a few yards away. I went to examine the damage of the impact on the tree and then noticed a man, with a gun just across a river, running in the opposite direction. I can only assume that he was being totally careless and reckless and had presumably fired at something between himself and the public area. It was from that day onwards I became strongly opposed to shooting on the main leisure day of the week, and the selfishness of the tiny minority of aging hunters.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I can't understand why so many of you want to convert this country into another Britain. Why can't you just accept it as it is? We came because it was (and still is) different to the life we had in UK.

I'm happy to accept their hunting etc etc if they're happy to accept me.


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I do not wish to change France into another Britain, what a strange idea. The movement to make Sunday a hunt free day is FRENCH,  ASPAS is a French association, the vast majority of its members are French.

I live here, I work here, I am an active member of many French associations and I give a large part of my spare time assisting them, some would call this integration.

Don't assume that everybody posting on this forum is British, that would be a grave error and if you don't mind me saying so a trifle too " British "???



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Ooooooo! Sticks and stones.....

Chris pp... I thought you'd already made your point?!! Do you have to have the last word?

OK Chris, or is it Christian. So you're not British. The idea of protesting about hunting, on one day or every day, is VERY British nonetheless, and I got sick of it in UK and was relieved to leave all that namby-pamby stuff behind. There always someone telling us what's best for us; I prefer to fit in with current practices.

If you're not British, I do find it odd that you would contribute to, or even be interested in, a forum aimed at (mostly) British ex-pats living in France, unless it's to drum up support for a protest perhaps. There's nothing to stop you of course, it's a free country here too. 

I live here too, permenantly, I don't work here.... I'm retired now. I also belong to various associations. I don't have to defend my lifestyle, I'm defending the right of the French to live how they have done for many years, and I certainly wouldn't presume to tell them what to do.

Vive la France and the reaseon I came here in the first place.

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Of course! As I said, a free country, and I have a right to my point of view too.

It's a pity you made such a mess of your earlier posting, it completely screwed up the end of my page 2, a link to the relevent news item would suffice.

Anyway, Joyeux Noel.



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