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Calender season.


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The calender season has started. We had our first one this evening. They were from the village football team and we now have our first 2007 calender.. When the sapeur pompiers come round we will have their's too. The most usefull one we have found is the La Poste one with lots of information in it, but because we are a bit back from our gate we missed it last year. we will have to look more carefully this year.

Also haloween will soon be on us. What a culture shock that was the first time! Lots of children rushing round all over the place [blink]. Talk about 'don't talk to strangers'...

P.S. not sure if Dick will make me do 'lines' about ''' in their's up there. Can't make up me mind?[8-)]

I also wish that the 'icons' were in alpha order!! Any chance  Admin [:D] ????

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Before Dick sees this post, John,  I'll just whisper that "theirs" never has an apostrophe! 
And while you're at it, you ought to pop another L in Hallowe'en too...




I tried to put this in a really small font (for a whisper), but it came out the normal size...  Sorry.

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The pompiers coming round is the highlight of the year! Last year i stupidly send himself to answer the door and deal with them! Not this year though.............i will be waiting on the doorstep every day 'just in case'!!

(sorry............not much happens in the hamlet, and i obviously don't get out enough!)


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Oh and as for your spelling John, it's not a problem! Read this!

I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg.

The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid! Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at

Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a

wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be

in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed

it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed

ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? Yaeh, and

I awlyas thought slpeling was ipmorantt.


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[quote user="TWINKLE"]

The french calendar "Les Dieux du Stade" is on sale as from to-day.  I shall be drooling and dribbling all over it - again!

My favourite is Clement Poitreneau

 Not sure why!!!

[/quote] I don't know why either Twinks! Drooling Bouncy Smiley Don't think the pompiers calender will be like that, so I'll pop it on my Christmas list[;-)]

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I HOPE our calendar won't be like that!!  One or two of our pompiers are OK  but the rest, charming guys and all that, but much rather with their clothes on!!  Am I allowed to give less money if they don't send round the young good lookings ones with the calendar?[:)]
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Last year my Mother send me the calendar published by the young farmers of the Parthenay (?) Bressuire (?) area... anyway somewhere in Deux-Sèvres.

My favorite photo  [:$]  was the one of the farmer doing the split (ouch!) between 2 bales of straw/hay and his cap strategically hanging on his natural coathanger!!

Wonder if the Pompiers calendar has any similar pictures on .... Louise peel your eyes open for me!...

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[quote user="TWINKLE"]

The french calendar "Les Dieux du Stade" is on sale as from to-day.  I shall be drooling and dribbling all over it - again!

My favourite is Clement Poitreneau

 Not sure why!!!


Blimey Twinks (thinks, should that have a '''?) I'm glad I have had my breakfast or that would have put me off me food! [+o(]

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[quote user="missyesbut"]

My favorite photo  [:$]  was the one of the farmer doing the split (ouch!) between 2 bales of straw/hay and his cap strategically hanging on his natural coathanger!!


That sounds hilarious!!! I need to see that one MYB [:D]

And Twinkle, stop leading me astray, making me look on such websites!! (well i have to blame someone [;-)])


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[quote user="Loiseau"]

Before Dick sees this post, John,  I'll just whisper that "theirs" never has an apostrophe! 
And while you're at it, you ought to pop another L in Hallowe'en too...




I tried to put this in a really small font (for a whisper), but it came out the normal size...  Sorry.


And it is Calendar !

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Have none of you got the England Rugby Team calendar 2001?  I bought it for Jude for Xmas that year and it caused much excitement when I showed it to the female element of the staff!

You can't beat British Beef!

The only pic from the calendar on the web - no match for the rest!


PS What's the spelling problem?

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Cassis, I've never thought to buy myself a calender & the ones I've had as pressies were of some rather hairless men who were something to do with furniture![;-)] None of rugby players.[:(] 

You can't beat any beef!!!! (Just preferably with some hair!)[:D]

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Blimey, what have I started. Smelling lessenz for a start. The keybord always goez dislicksick wen I goe neer it anyway. But remember 'I NEVER MAKE MASTIKES!!!'

Some of those pikturz make me wonder. Just as well you can't see how hairy I am or I may just be in some kind of danger from sexual harisment (hairysmont pert etra?)[:-))]

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