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setting up an association


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I would like some information please, if someone has some experience in this area, can you give me some guidance. I would like to teach a yoga class and I have to, I have been told, set up an association, with a minimum of three members. I have got the papers from the Mairie and I dont know where to start. 

Thanks for all suggestions !

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You don't necessarily have to set up an asso on your own.  You may be able to run your yoga classes under the umbrella of another local association whose 'purpose' may allow your activity to operate.  If not then you will need to set one up but you will need to have a bureau of chairman, secretary and treasurer.  You will need to open a bank account in the name of the asso and run correct accounts, submit an annual return etc.  You can find out all the info you need at your Préfecture.


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You can be employed by an association, but if you are you cannot run it yourself.

You could run an association but the officers can't be paid and it must be neither profit making nor in direct competition with another business.

Why not see if your local Foyer Rurale would be interested in using your services and paying you?

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It's even more complicated than that as to teach Yoga legally you would require insurance, to get insurance you would need your qualifications to be accepted by a French approved Federation which isn't a stroll in the park, so most Brits are just doing it on the quiet and on the black and hope they don't get caught.

It may seem a bit much, but when you think of the possible consequences, serious injury for example it makes sense.


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Thanks, I am getting confused again. It is a not for profit association, but I would get paid for the classes that I teach, so maybe someone else has to 'run it' for me, on my behalf ? The qualification is with a centre based in France and there are others (French) people who are teaching with this qualification, so I hope that that wouldnt be a problem.   I need to hire a room, so I dont know that I can do it on the quiet.


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So that will be OK but you will need to decide what regime you are going to operate under or alternatively I think there is something with URSSAF called cheque d'emploi associative, don't know exactly how it works but better than cheque d'emploi normal. Alternative I suppose may be AE.

You will not be able to be on the Conseil d'Administration yourself, so you will need the minimum of a President, Treasurer and Secretary and presumably after that, members although members aren't necessary.


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Can you explain a little more please - what regime you are going to work under ? Is this how I charge or collect payments - as I don't know how to do that either. If everything has to go through the accounts, then that would seem like some straightforward book keeping. Although if there are other factors like, buying -mats - ie use of capital, then that might come under something else ? whew.

Thanks for your help, I appreciate it a lot.

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OK, so let's say you have your association with its legal requirement of three people on the Conseil d'Administration, this is one issue. There are obviously strict rules for accounting. The Association can purchase items that are required for the purposes of the Association that have been written in Statuts of the Association. These items are either for the running of the Association, such as stamps, stationary etc or they could be something like Yoga mats, these are the property of the Association, not an individual.

The next issue is that you say, the Association is going to employ you, for this you need to be registered in the French system to perform that work. This will enable you to pay social charges etc which are obligatory or the Association finds a way to employ you full or part time with a contract of employment, then the Association deducts your social charges.

What I'm getting at is that there are two separate things, the Association and you.

I don't take any payments from PP, so someone may want to add something to this.



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I used to run a cultural association, and I am at present employed by another one a bit like the French equivalent of the Workers Educational Association if that still exists.

I am not certain that this is the best route to go down for you.

As I said before in my area the local Foyer Rurale organises lots of classes such as Fencing,  Dancing Choral singing etc., and employs the teachers

Or you could be an independent worker.

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When I went to the Mairie I was put in touch with the chap who is in charge of the Sports and Dance sections and he said he has about seventy associations on his books. He asked me for details of an association. I don't know any that are bilingual that I can work within so I thought I will have to set up my own. If there is another way, then I'm very happy to hear about it !

Thank you

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Not a facetious comment but how about talking a little French?

If that is the only obstacle to you working within one of the existing societies then why not give it a go, it is always easier to converse when the subject (in your case yoga) is familiar to both parties, or are you only intending teaching yoga to English speakers?

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I guess I could just turn up at a class that's already a going concern and ask them if I could work within their association ? I can't see the yoga class wanting anyone else that might take away their students ? But yes, I like the speaking French bit.


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[quote user="NormanH"]You can be employed by an association, but if you are you cannot run it yourself.

You could run an association but the officers can't be paid and it must be neither profit making nor in direct competition with another business.

Why not see if your local Foyer Rurale would be interested in using your services and paying you?


Not every town has a Foyer Rurale. 

It's a matter of how each town/group of associations organises themselves.  As a councillor we are currently looking into setting up a Foyer Rurale to act as an umbrella for the 20+ associations in our village of 1000 habitants.

Not as easy as it appears as the associations are diverse and some don't want their subventions from the Mairie possibly reduced because of how a FR would decide the split. It's also a matter of who would be the key players in the FR over and above those of each association and who would have the last say in how each association is run.

As I said, not easy!

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