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Expresse coffee

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I think our expresso machine could be on it's way out - it's over 5 years old now. Also, I wouldn't mind getting a new one anyway - can anyone recommend a good one - I don't mean an expensive one - just normal price. The problem with ours is that it has no back to it and it just squirts out all around It really is messy. The ones in cafes always have a back and sides to them. The other thing is the drip tray. The thing to tell you to empty it isn't very obvious, and we forget, so it goes all over the tray we keep it on. This one also does cappuccino, but I'd rather get one that doesn't as none of us drink it. Any suggestions?

Also - and this one might be one for Chauffour? We also have a Bialetti expresso pot which we only use when we go camping as it is unbreakable. The problem is that it develops some sort of growth on the inside during the day time in the bottom reservoir. The top section is fine, we just rinse that and the bit where the coffee goes each time before we use it. But the bottom section only ever has water and it seems to grow what looks like mould (white and I think gel like in blobs, but can't get at it except with a brush to find out) just during the day and has to be scrubbed. I also think that it gives a rather rusty taste. Is there something wrong with our particular Bialetti or is there something we could do to stop this happening?

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it happens also with mine, but it's not a big problem, just wash it often, but just with water, no detergent.

i dont think it changes the taste of the coffe... but i wouldn't really know as i always add a few drops of grappa to mine (caffe' corretto)




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Grazie. Do you wash and DRY it after use, or do you wait and wash the bottom reservoir out only before you use it? Do you use it daily? Would you recommend Bialetti if I was to buy another? I'm just thinking about if the expresso machine dies on us, I might be better with another Italian coffee pot. An Italian penfriend bought me a small one many years ago and it was tiny. She only drank half a pot of it, whereas I would have to have one and a half when she stayed. The one we have now does two mugs which is OK on holiday when my husband and I have coffee at the same time. I probably could do with an in-between size as I always have 2 "tea cups" of expresso in the morning when at home.
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i do not dry it, but i always check before using it.

Bialetti is the most common in italy and it exist in different sizes.

be sure you use the right type of coffe', lavazza is a good one.

i don't have it every day now... i alternate with my homemade lemoncello!!!



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We have the Bialetti too. We like the strong flavor it gives to coffee. We use the LIDL Italian Espresso. It really turns out good with the Bialetti - less appealing with the electric machines. I put the bottom and top of my Bialetti in the dishwasher to get rid of that messy bottom. This may dry out your rubber sealing ring, but I always have a stash of extras in the drawer. I don't know if you are supposed to put it in the dishwasher, but it hasn't stopped it working well. Just a suggestion. Oh and, we didn't have much success with the Magimix Espresso/Capuccino machine. We bit the bullet and invested nearly 400 euros on the machine, but after one year, it was always in need of some sort of repair. Made pretty good coffee, but with the cost of the machine, its life was too short for us. Also had a hard time finding shops that could make the repairs... FYI

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