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Power of Attorney

Megan le Fey

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Does anyone know anything of how power of attorney or its French equivalent works?  My husband has Alzheimer's and is getting to the point that his signature is becoming unrecognisable from the original and, of course, there are other issues as well.  I have been putting it off but feel that it is time that I did something about it.  Some things don't seem to matter here in France, eg..... the UK tax office required him to sign a letter authorising me to deal with any tax affairs for him whereas the French tax inspector I spoke to just did the shrug and let me get on with it but when we return to UK I suspect things will not be so easy and I also need to deal with his South African bank account and pension fund from time to time.  I think I need to get something official done before he loses the ability to sign anything.  I would welcome any advice or info.  you guys can give me.

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       You should talk to a notaire about whether you need the new french equivalent of "power of attorney" which is called the "Mandat de protection future". For dealing with UK institutions you can purchase a "do-it-yourself" power of attorney form-- google"UK power of attorney" .  The french procedure appears to be very complex and possibly expensive and is really intended for people who have , or anticipate having, no relatives to help them. The notaire may be able to advise you on how, as a spouse, you can obtain the necessary mandates to administer your husband's affairs without going for the full "mandat de protection future".

       Unless  your french is perfect, find an english - fluent notaire as you cannot afford any mis-understandings. If you are anywhere near the Dordogne, PM me for details of a good notaire. 

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It does indeed seem to be a "Right Old Performance".  Of course, if it was  too easy it would leave the patient wide open to abuse, however, I think perhaps I will skip the French plan and consider the UK situation when we get there. 

Thank-you everyone for your kind replies,  I do appreciate you taking the time.[:D]

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