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Golden syrup


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Hello there

I would like to know if its possible to buy golden syrup in France.  My kids love oatmeal flapjacks with syrup and I have just run out of the syrup.  My local supermarket is SuperU.  I had a good look in there today but to no avail. 

Please can anyone help save my kids.  They so love flapjacks.



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Some time last year I actually contacted a number of sugar refiners in

France (I can't remember why I had so little to do) to ask them if they

marketed "partially inverted refiners' sugar syrup" (golden syrup) and

molasis as both are produced in the prcess of making White Death from

sugar cane. The answers where uniformly in the negative. The refiners

sell these products to food manufacturers (animal and human) and for

"industrial uses" but do not place them into tins for sale to the great

unwashed masses.

Appearantly quite a bit of their production gets exported to the UK,

which presumably could mean that the tins on sale in the supermarket

contain French product that is just well travelled. Try substituting

runny honey for syrup in flapjacks. It is a slightly different flavour,

but very nice, and given the outragous price of Tate & Lyles

finest, not too uneconomic.

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Both golden syrup and black treacle are available at the local Comptoir Irelandaise outlets and I have seen golden syrup in Géant ocassionally but far too expensive to warrant buying when I think of all that sugar and the waistline.
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Intermarche had it a few years ago, but no more. Like with many brit things they are in stock for a very limited amount of time and then are seen no more. No market really I suppose. We even had Heinz Sandwich Spread for one short period in Carrefour.

As was said the Comptoir Irlandaise can have this sort of thing, although our nearest one has been taken over and has very few food items now. And there are the internet shops like the Epicerie Anglaise, where you can get all these things.

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I had a nasty shock last time I had a tin here, took it out to use it and it had gone rusty all round the edge at the top and bottom. It was stored in a cool dry place as well. I don't ever recall seeing tins of syrup and treacle go rusty before do you and my mum used to keep them for months before using them all up.
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[quote user="jond"]Some time last year I actually contacted a number of sugar refiners in

France to ask them if they

marketed "partially inverted refiners' sugar syrup" (golden syrup) and



I have recently bought a jar of "Mélasse Noire" (Black molasses) from my local health food shop. Wonderful rich liquorice smell and taste!

Made by Primeal and costs €2.75 for 450g

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[quote user="Clair"][quote user="jond"]Some time last year I actually contacted a number of sugar refiners in

France to ask them if they

marketed "partially inverted refiners' sugar syrup" (golden syrup) and



I have recently bought a jar of "Mélasse Noire" (Black molasses) from my local health food shop. Wonderful rich liquorice smell and taste!

Made by Primeal and costs €2.75 for 450g


Thanks Clair - I shall try this. We've not got anything that passes

muster as a health food shop around here (we had one once, but it has

now changed to selling "fresh, natural cosmetics", whatever they might

be, though presumably one has to keep them in the fridge), but I shall

take a look around La Rochelle next time I find myself in the smoke

(it's all relative). I like to give the brats a dorp of molasses from

time-to-time, partly because I believe it to be be quite good for them,

but mostly because I like to see the expressions on their little faces

when I proffer it on the spoon. (Do I feel the ghost of my late mother

learning over my shoulder suggesting adding cod liver oil to the brew?)

Personally I love the stuff and use it to make baked beans, the kind of

buscuits that should only be eaten in January and a curious kind of

Dutch butter cake that has life-shortening properties.

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[quote user="Dotty0"]


I think you are a little bit wicked.  Your poor children.



I do try to be evil, sanctioning diets based solely on brassicas and a

removal of all chocolate privilages for misbehaviour, but they always

fail to take me seriously, and  when push comes to shove, they

twist me around their little fingers and I forgive them anything, comme il faut.

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[quote user="jond"][quote user="Dotty0"][/quote]

I do try to be evil, sanctioning diets based solely on brassicas and a removal of all chocolate privilages for misbehaviour, but they always fail to take me seriously, and  when push comes to shove, they twist me around their little fingers and I forgive them anything, comme il faut.


Well phew, relief, that's ok then.

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[quote user="Dotty0"]Hello there, 

I would like to know if its possible to buy golden syrup in France.  My kids love oatmeal flapjacks with syrup and I have just run out of the syrup.  My local supermarket is SuperU.  I had a good look in there today but to no avail.

Please can anyone help save my kids.  They so love flapjacks. Dotty[/quote]

Dotty0, I thought of you today...

As I was wandering about in Carrefour at Brive (19), I found myself in front of their display headed "Missing something from home?" [:D] and there they were, tins of Golden Syrup and jars of maple flavoured Golden Syrup!

They also had maple syrup (sirop d'érable) in the honey section...

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Maple flavoured syrup in porridge.mmmmmmmmmmmmm.  Brive, quite a treck, sadly.  Seems Intermarche and a couple of others have cornered the market in having a bit of an English shoppy, despite outrageous prices, I am strangely drawn to Hellmanns and Bicks sweetcorn relish every time I see them.  Need to keep an eye on the sell by dates, one jar of relish was out of date way back in early 2005.
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I bought a tin of golden syrup yesterday from the supermarket in Galerie Lafayette in Nantes.  I went in to price up Hellemans as we are running low.

I bought it just in case.

They had quite a few British goods but for the best selection and prices, I would use the Epicerie Anglais.

I also bought a flake but don't tell my dieting friends.[:)]

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