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fruit salad


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Has anyone ideas for unusual fruit salads? I always make the same one

with any fruit that is to hand ( except bananas ) diced small. I make a

syrup with lemon juice, sugar and a little water. I would like some new

recipes for a change. Pat.

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I never use sugar just freshly sqeezed orange juice and 3 big passion fruit and whatever fruit is in season.

It is interesting in France as the exotic fruit available tends to be from the French colonies and different to what we have become used to in UK.

Mangoes here are OK from Africa lousy from S America, I miss the beautifully perfumed Indian magoes we got in UK.

The Reunion passion fruit are fabulous.

Cherry season about to kick in - just watch out for those maggots that live around the stalk! I always destone - thumb through the stalk end and you will see the tiny maggot if there is one.

Golden kiwi are here at the moment and so different to the common kiwi - lovely....

Litchis here are much cheaper than in the UK.

I do not like bananas in fruit salad - skip... try a fried plantain with your breakfast or with a barbecue.

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Hi Pat

A good old tested fruit salad - any fruit of your choice (eg. grapes, oranges, apples etc. with 1tbs lemon juice), some brazil and pecan nuts (optional) and syrup made out of 4tbs clear honey, 1 tbs brandy and 150 ml (1/4pt) boiling water.

Or a more unusual but extremely tasty Macedonian salad made from black and white grapes (with no pips), covered with the grated zest of 1 lemon, 3 tbs sugar and freshly squeezed juice of about 3 - 4 oranges.  Very refreshing (but can you easily get seedless grapes in France?).


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Hi. I make it with whatever is looking good. Kiwi is interesting and passion fruit adds a little something. I never use sugar but add fruit juice instead,sometimes laced with a fruit spirit if I want something a bit different.Mmmm.... yum. I have added figs when I have a glut but they are very sweet and turn it into quite a different beast altogether[:D]
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My recipe for very special parties!

Any fruits available : Apples and pears diced up, oranges segments, cherries and grapes whole (pips out if enclined), lychees (fresh ones the better or from a can - drain syrup but KEEP separate) strawberries. Sprinkle 2 sachets of 'sucre vanillé' or 'sucre à la vanille' from the 'Alsacienne' range of baking products (in any supermarkets in France) Mix with the lychees syrup 1/3 glass of vodka! Yup! Mix the lot nicely, chill until ready to consume, stir a bit and eat! Best if made 6 hours ahead.

After an evening of BBQ it gets the party ticking over! Prepare your dancing shoes, shuffle along the patio....

Another thing I often cook on BBQ is foil parcels with fruits in it :

A4 size of foil on the worktop (1 per person), on bottom half of foil (see what I mean?...) put oranges, grapefruits segments, sliced bananas, sultanas, sprinkle vanilla sugar and few drops of rum. Close other (top) half of foil making sure the parcels are totally SEALED and LEAKPROOF. Put on BBQ for 1/2 to 3/4 hours after you've cooked and serve all the sausages, kebabs, chicken drumsticks, steaks etc.... When ready, rip the foil parcel on individual plate/bowl and dellissshhh!!

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[quote user="missyesbut"]

Sprinkle 2 sachets of 'sucre vanillé' or 'sucre à la vanille' from the 'Alsacienne' range of baking products (in any supermarkets in France) Mix with the lychees syrup 1/3 glass of vodka!


That sounds good!  I am a firm believer in using vodka (and vanilla sugar) in sweets - well, I would, wouldn't I, coming from Poland!.  A lot of the Polish cakes take both ingredients, with rather great results.

I will have to try this salad.

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 Hello Try adding some large sultanas which have been soaked over night in either rum or cold tea(no milk) or wine. till they are soft and plump i love them in fruit salads, also you could soak other dried fruits to add with the fresh fruits. why do you say except bananas? do you not like them?
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[quote user="davieszak"]

I am a firm believer in using vodka (and

vanilla sugar) in sweets - well, I would, wouldn't I, coming from

Poland!.  A lot of the Polish cakes take both

ingredients, with rather great results.


I use vanilla and sugar in fruit salad 'syrup' (also use fruit juice -

depending on the mixture of fruit in the salad -.some fruit juices are

a bit overpowering in flavour)


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Thanks for the brilliant ideas - I love fruit salad and will try these

if I get them copied out. The syrup ideas are good too. Yes I do like

bananas but not in fruit salad. They tend to go mushy and floury

whereas I like a fresh sharp flavour. I remembered another combination

which was refreshing - thinly sliced peeled oranges and pineapple

layered with grated coconut. Has anyone used white wine in the syrup?


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I can vouch for Anna's fruit salad syrup suggestion (4 tbs honey, 1/4 pt boiling water and splash of brandy)! I made a fruit salad for lunch with our neighbours today with cherries, strawberries and melon balls and it was delicious! Served with small coffee meringues and a dollop of ice cream.

Thanks Anna!
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