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Redevance Audiovisuelle Question


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Just received our first Td'H bill including the Redevance Audiovisuelle charge.

What is "un dispositif assimile" in that context?

We haven't bought tv equipment yet, although we did have the house wired for connection to an (as yet unpurchased) antenna and/or satellite.

Does this make us liable for the RA charge for 2009?

If not, how do we go about contesting it? Do we use the process for reclaiming Td"H outlined on page 2 of the Avis d'Imposition?

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See sample letter here to ask for a review and regarding the date at which you become liable.

Sont notamment considérés comme des dispositifs assimilés, lorsqu’ils

sont associés à un écran ou à tout autre support de vision (écran

souple accroché au mur par exemple), les magnétoscopes, lecteurs ou

lecteurs-enregistreurs de DVD, vidéo-projecteurs équipés d’un tuner.

Les micro-ordinateurs munis d’une carte-télévision permettant la réception de la télévision ne sont pas taxables.

VCRs, DVD readers and DVR-reader-recorders, video projectors equipped with a tuner are

regarded as similar devices
, when combined with a screen or other

visual media (flexible screen hanging on the wall for example).

Micro-computers with a TV card allowing TV reception are not taxable.

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Thank, Clair, for your prompt and lucid response.

We have only residence secondaire in France and are not liable for French impots, so have never filed a tax return.

I do have a (probably stupid) question about writing for a review. On the back of our TdH form, there are 2 different addresses (pour obtenir des reponses plus detaillees)for Centre des finances publique:

1. (sur le montant de votre impot) in our nearby market town;

2. (sur le paiment de votre impot) for the office where we normally pay our property taxes, water and sewage.

Is one of those the address we should use?
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[quote user="tenniswitch"]

I do have a (probably stupid) question about writing for a review. On the back of our TdH form, there are 2 different addresses (pour obtenir des reponses plus detaillees)for Centre des finances publique:

1. (sur le montant de votre impot) in our nearby market town;

2. (sur le paiment de votre impot) for the office where we normally pay our property taxes, water and sewage.

Is one of those the address we should use?[/quote]

1 decides how much 2 will be collecting, so write to or visit 1.

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