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drying walnuts


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A dog, a woman and a walnut tree, the harder you beat 'em the better they be!

I think you have to somehow beat the tree to get the walnuts to fall. Presumably if they don't fall ther're not ripe!

By the way before all the ladies start I'm not the author of the opening statement.


edit: and Christine Animal as well.

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Just let them drop.  They should then come out of their green casing all by themselves and you won't stain your hands black getting them out if you pick them or knock them from the branches still in their casing.

Let the shells dry out if they are damp before you put them away to store in a cool, dry place.  Those left from last year are still okay and we've been collecting this year's from the ground for at least 3 weeks.

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Same here, they just drop when ready. After the winds of the last few days and the heavy rain, I've just collected 5 buckets of them. I just lay them on trays in the greenhouse and when dry put them in bags and hang them up. Those my wife doesn't use in cakes etc and what we don't give away,I smash up for the birds.

Some bad news though, the runner beans are now finished and we've also eaten all the carrots. Looking forward to our Pumpkin soup, with ginger/onion/lentils and a handfull of small pasta[whose correct name escapes me, like small shells].

Regards.5mins ST.Malo.

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I must confess that with the lower ones I wait for the green "shells" to split decently, then open them on the tree to get the nut out (easier than finding them on the ground. Searching the ground is all I can do for the higher ones though (but I've only the one tree so its not too much work).

Must confess Last year I hardly let they dry at all. They tasted quite "milky" when fresh (no idea if they are dangerous to eat before the have dried).

Out of interest, are most walnuts hybrids or can one plant a walnut age (eventually) get a new tree than will give nuts. I'd love to get some more trees and I guess the sooner I start the better as I believe they take ages before giving nuts. Maybe I'd be better off buying some young trees - any thoughts ?

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[quote user="Benjamin"]A dog, a woman and a walnut tree, the harder you beat 'em the better they be!

I think you have to somehow beat the tree to get the walnuts to fall. Presumably if they don't fall ther're not ripe!

By the way before all the ladies start I'm not the author of the opening statement.


edit: and Christine Animal as well.


A man who tries beating me will be very sorry.[:@]  Or come to think of it he may enjoy the response.[:-))]  A quick sharp Karate chop straight on the adams apple.[:)]

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[quote user="Just Katie "]By the way..... did anyone try dying their hair with that black stuff that comes out of walnuts?  If someone wants me to do it I will. [/quote]

Now there's an idea.................. himself has lovely black finger tips at the mo'( i did tell him not to pick the ones out of the skins..........men, he did it just to annoy me!!) and the walnut wine i made is a lovely colour............... It's the new Henna methinks.

JK you could be rich with this one (i may have pinched your idea though!)  I'm up for trying it!


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  Ok.................this could work! How do you reckon i should try it?? I have during the summer been using that 'sun in stuff' so i reckon it'll take really well! I'm a self hair dying expert (or not as the case may be!) I've been dying my hair for years (Always myself, from bleached white, bright yellow, to  purple and also black)

Laughed at you JK!! Some folks have no vision!!!

I am soooooo going to have to try it now!

Ps. if you do patent it and become rich and famous.....can i supply you with the walnut husks!! [:D]

Get thinking of a brand name!


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Looks like someone has already thought of it

http://www.wisegeek.com/what-are-some-homemade-hair-dyes.htm  says Another homemade hair dye can be created using

walnut husks and water. To make this dye, simply boil the husks in

water for about 15 minutes. After boiling, strain the mixture and use

the liquid to color your hair. This homemade hair dye is good for

making brown hair darker.

I still reckon you could brand / market  it right you could be on to something!!

Ps.....i will try it anyway (Sunday though as i am going out in public tomorrow night!)


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[quote user="jayjay"]Does it cover grey?????[/quote]

same site as above jayjay:

if you are hoping to find a homemade hair dye to

cover your greys, consider using sage and rosemary. Simply simmer sage

and rosemary in water for about half an hour. Next, leave the mixture

to steep for several hours. After the allotted time has passed, apply

the mixture to your hair and leave it on until it is dry. Finally,

rinse and dry your hair as usual. You may need to repeat this process

on a weekly basis in order to obtain the shade you want.


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    Found on different site jayjay:

Saffron hair dye:

  • One pinch of saffron.

  • About five hundred ml of boiling water.

  • Soak saffron in water for 10 minutes. Strain and use it on the hair. Grey hair will have rich golden shade.

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[quote user="Just Katie "]Go on Jay Jay. Be a sport.  Nobody sees you in daylight anyway so what are the odds? [/quote]

Cheeky JK![:P] Aren't they lucky!

Louise, I like the sound of golden highlights, cheers dear!

Er.........I think we've gone off topic girls! Walnuts, walnuts, walnuts!!!! [Www]

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