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I have a tree full of these things.  I read that you can freeze them.  Does anyone know if I just pick them, wash them and put them in a ziplock freezer bag?  Or am I supposed to only freeze the pulp, therefore, pick them wash them and squeeze the pulp into the zip bag?

I'll be trying my first persimmon recipes this afternoon - cookies.  Every year, I have let them drop to the ground as I didn't know what to do with them.  This year, I'd like to freeze some.


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Apparently there are two types of persimmons - astringent (bitter) and non-astringent.  The former are the ones commonly cultivated in cool climates and you have to leave them almost to rot before they are edible.  The latter type can be eaten when crisp - I have never heard of them before.

The site says you should "harvest astringent varieties when they are hard but fully colored.

They will soften on the tree and improve in quality, but you will probably

lose many fruit to the birds. Astringent persimmons will ripen off the tree

if stored at room temperature. Nonastringent persimmons are ready to harvest

when they are fully colored, but for best flavor, allow them to soften

slightly after harvest. Both kinds of persimmons should be cut from the tree

with hand-held pruning shears, leaving the calyx intact. Unless the fruit is

to be used for drying whole, the stems should be cut as close to the fruit as

possible. Even though the fruit is relatively hard when harvested, it will

bruise easily, so handle with care."

"Mature, hard astringent persimmons can be stored in the refrigerator for at

least a month. They can also be frozen for 6 to 8 months. Nonastringent

persimmons can be stored for a short period at room temperature. They will

soften if kept with other fruit in the refrigerator. Persimmons also make an

excellent dried fruit. They can either be peeled and dried whole or cut into

slices (peeled or unpeeled) and dried that way. When firm astringent

persimmons are peeled and dried whole they lose all their astringency and

develop a sweet, datelike consistency."

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Thanks to you both.  That website suggests I add a bit of sugar when freezing as it aids in the defrosting.  Never knew that.

I must have the non-astringent persimmons as I broke one open yesterday and it was sweet, now sour.  It was however, ripe and softening.  They are ripening now and I have to either pick them and freeze them or let them drop.  There are maybe 200 of them on the tree !  No, I won't be freezing that many.  Not sure I like them that much.

Am going to make the cookies now.  I tell you how they taste later on.


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Well for anyone following this, the cookies are OUTSTANDING !  I never would have tried cooking with persimmons if I didn't have a truck load of them.  I hate to waste anything.

Anyone who has a tree (I can't see anyone going out to buy the things) and wants the recipe, just hollar.  It was SO easy to mix up and bakes so nicely.

Maybe tomorrow I will bake the Persimmon Pudding recipe.... 

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Well, when I just pulled one off the tree and bit into it, it was mushy, very dark orange/red and had a slight sweet taste to it, almost like baked pumpkin.  I didn't really like it, although I love all types of pumpkin.

However, when you mush the pulp and make the cookie recipe, it tastes very similar to carrot cake.  Walnuts and blonde rasins are a part of the recipe.  Gave a bowl full to my neighbor who said her husband really likes Kaaki fruit.  We'll see what they have to say about them.

Today I will be getting out the ladder to pick a bundle for freezing.  The recipe says that if the fruit is not totally ripe and soft, to put them in the freezer for 3 hours (or longer) and then take them out to defrost - they will be soft then.


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