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Four Letter Word - DIET


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Wahey!  Smashed through the 13 st barrier with a 4lb weight loss this week!  [<:o)]

So, why don't I feel any thinner?  Still a long way to go, but feeling postive.

Food - good: Alcohol  - still too high, BUT lower than usual : Exercise - a grand total of 15 minutes of pilates

Good luck everyone.


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I am pleased to say I have lost 2.2 kilos this week too....3.8 gone now!


I love Atkins.

Still a couple of days left until Sunday and the end of induction.  I wonder if I can lose 4kg?

I will have to re-think my goals....five weeks approx to Valentines Day so let's say 6kg by then?

I shall be out all day but first thing I do when I get in will be to congratulate all you other loosers[:D]

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Just lost 1lb (must try harder)

Not a good diet week - meal out last weekend, roast dinner Sunday and probably too much wine in the week

Not hopeful for next week either - much to my surprise the specialist I saw yesterday said he wanted to get on with my op and I am having surgery on Monday ! (Take back some of my NHS moans) Day surgery only but back to being in a restrictive sling again [:'(] for 3 weeks.

Monday is also my husbands 60th birthday ( would you believe it) so we are bringing the celebrations forward to tonight and going out for a curry at one of the best curry places in the South of England, great, but not good for the waistline !!!!!!

Well done to all the other losers !


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Lost a pound, I think scales  must be a bit iffy (!) because I have been really good!  

I do think exercise is overrated, I diligently do 5 miles on the static bike five days a week (20-25 mins) and I am still fat!   I do more regular exercise than anyone I know, and what effect does it have?   Absolutely none!

Good luck for the op, Gay, RBH I assume, and where's the curry place? (she says, thinking of food!)

Well done everyone, it's not easy.

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I lost a pound too, but as that is twice what I was aiming to lose this week (and as I have really been quite naughty in the food department) I am fairly pleased to have dropped below the 10st 7lb mark.

Well done all you big losers, and even if the weight-loss is slow for some of us, as long as the general movement is in a downward direction, we're doing fine.  And if there is a bit of an upward blip now and again, well, we're only human aren't we, and there's always next week [:#]

Good luck with the op Gay!



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[quote user="La vieille"]

Lost a pound, I think scales  must be a bit iffy (!) because I have been really good!  

I do think exercise is overrated, I diligently do 5 miles on the static bike five days a week (20-25 mins) and I am still fat!   I do more regular exercise than anyone I know, and what effect does it have?   Absolutely none!

Good luck for the op, Gay, RBH I assume, and where's the curry place? (she says, thinking of food!)

Well done everyone, it's not easy.


Yes RBH, South Wing, day surgery wards. At least I may be spared the food !

We are going to the Bina in Prospect Street, Caversham (walking distance) I'm always amused by a suburb like Caversham having so many styles of cuisine available..........


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My second weigh-in:

85.2k / 187.5 lb / 13st 5.5 lb

A little disappointing, I only lost 1 lb this week (I lost three pounds in the first, tuesday-sunday).  Not bad overall I suppose though, 4 lb in 12 days. Must do more excercise this week. I am aiming to get under that 13st mark in the next fortnight, just over two and a half pounds per week, so feasable.

Good luck Gay with the op, hope you make a swift and full recovery.

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Well done you losers!We had a wonderful time in Le Lot - you're very lucky Cat46 - walking in beautiful, mellow, rolling countryside with friends based about 15 mins from Cahors. And the food was vachement superbe and plentiful. So.......I've got some work to do before the weigh-in next Sat.

In, the meantime, my thoughts go to Gay for the op. Good luck and hoping you'll be home in no time.


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1.9kgs.  Yes!  Yes!  Yes!

5.7kgs of blubber gone now.  Yes!  Yes!  Yes!

Before you all think, Old Cow, I have an enormous advantage in being by myself at the moment and I spend all my day travelling back and forth to CHU so there is no opportunity to eat!  I take a pack-up with me of 'good' food.  No sandwiches and big buns for me this time[:)]

I am going to go and buy a croissant for my breakfast in a minute and I will eat it delicately and savour every mouthfull....

Imagine Cookie Monster[:D][:D][:D]

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[:'(]  What a terrible week!  Not a cheat in sight, I ate what I should or ate nothing at all.  Tuesday, was spent running around after two childen with a tummy bug, Tuesday evening/Wednesday morning I had the displeasure of suffering from the nasty little bug.  Yesterday I was like a woman possessed cleaning this place from top to bottom to rid it of any germ which dared to have entered it.  The result????  1 lb down.  (Start 13st 3.4, 1st week 13st 0.4, 2nd week 12 st 10.4, current 12st 9.2)  OK it's in the right direction, but v. v. v. disappointing.   More determined though!  I'll catch up next week.  Good luck to everyone else.


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Naps, I know just how you feel. Nothing to eat all Monday am waiting for the op, and only toast and tea after. A diet fish pie for dinner - hardly excessive. On Tues the pain kicked in and I got some strong pain killers from the doctor, but they made me feel sick, so I was very careful what I ate for the next few days, no alcohol all week.

Got on the scales this am, and I am exactly the same ![:'(]

Anyway the worst is over, the downside is I can not have a shower for 3 weeks - shallow baths only, mustn't get the sling wet (its made of sponge) I have to keep my arm next to side and have to be very careful how I wash......will I have any friends after 3 weeks ???

Mustn't complain though - I had the op within 4 days of the specialist deciding I needed it and on Tuesday the doctor turned up in 30 minutes. The hospital staff were very pleasant and I was in and out on the same day.

Now I want to lose some weight so when I am slingless (6 weeks in total)I can buy some nice clothes [:)]

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Well done Alexis (through gritted teeth grrrrr).  No, seriously well done, it's inspiration for me to keep going, I know that I can shift this flab and have to admit that my jeans are feeling a little more comfortable. 

Gay, that's obviously a very, very heavy sponge sling with a lead splint running through the middle, you'll lose a few pounds when you take it off.

The good thing about being poorly for me is that it's finally broke my wine intake.  Nothing Tuesday night, nothing Wednesday and one small glass last night, hopefully I won't get back into the bad habit of drinking so much? [D]

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Stayed the same this week (11st 7lbs)- very disappointing [:(]  Mind you, we did go to Mont Dore on Tuesday.  Had a croissant on the way (we left early, no time for breakfast), then lunch in a restaurant, mars bar on the way home.  I didn't however, have any dinner that evening and the rest of the week, I've been pretty good.  Will keep going though.


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Gay, I'm happy all went well and hope that you're not too uncomfortable.

Naps, 1.2lb is not bad at all. Its not as much as you would have liked but it sounds healthier than the previous heavy weightloss. The slower it comes off the less chance there is of getting it back. Maybe not much consolation right now but you might be grateful for slow steady progress in five years time.

Weigh-in tomorrow and I'm expecting another blip.

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Well done Gay for the op and all you others for doing so well.

I lost another 1lb although I should not have done, out to lunch 3 times and dinner at a Chinese.   Too much wine as well.   Think I have used up all my credit from last week!   At least I have got back to where I was in November.

Still doing the exercise but having no effect weightwise at all.

Good luck everyone for next week, this is the hard bit now...

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La Vieille,

Well done for losing that pound. Keep up the exercise. While its very difficult to burn off the calorie equivalent of a MARS BAR, exercise does help to tone those muscles which means you can eat more of what you like, knowing its going to be efficiently dealt with.

I say this after three beers in the local. And while my French improved by leaps and bounds in the course of the evening, the chances of me having an encouraging weigh-in tomorrow decreased with each mouthful. C'est la vie et, tout meme, c'est la guerre.

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Well done everyone, I am down 1lb this week, so 4 in total.  Haven't been too good so will have to try and be extra good this week.  Still only managing 1 alcohol free night per week!!!! Need to find some will power. Going to friends for dinner tonight and know that it won't be diet friendly and I will definately be 'forced' [:$] into drinking too much wine!!

I have started a step class once a week which I am hoping will help! [:)]


Have a good week everyone.


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