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Four Letter Word - DIET


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Keep it up Suze !   I watched Lorraine Kelly's review of diets last night - what a waste of time, the final insult was giving GI to a carb addict who said she hated it and put on 2lbs !

The one thing it did prove though is that it really is a question of finding a regime that suits YOU and sticking to it.

I haven't really started in earnest yet - I have been eating the right foods but not increased exercises as yet. I'll weigh tomorrow and start from there.

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I find Lorraine Kelly patronising in the extreme and I can't think she'd have too much of use to say about dieting. I agree that the best way is to find what works for you and stick to it.

I read "French Women Don't Get Fat" which a visitor had left in the house. That again had little to say about nutrition but it did reinforce the idea of moderation in everything. I took that to heart along with bits of theory from the GI diet. I find now that I can lose weight with porridge for breakfast and lunch Mon-Fri, with fruit for snacking, and a good three course dinner with a glass and a half of wine.  On Sat&Sun we have real lunch and dinner, porridge for breakfast only. We buy bread only at weekends, and enjoy it all the more for that. No chocs or biscuits in the house.

It doesn't feel like a **** (d word), so it doesn't feel like an imposition or restriction. My old problem has been having a strict regime but finding reasons for giving myself days off so that I went crazy for everything.

Can't stand Lorraine's whiney voice, as much as anything else.[:#]

Best wishes,


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I find Lorraine Kelly patronising in the extreme and I can't think she'd have too much of use to say about dieting. I agree that the best way is to find what works for you and stick to it.

I read "French Women Don't Get Fat" which a visitor had left in the house. That again had little to say about nutrition but it did reinforce the idea of moderation in everything. I took that to heart along with bits of theory from the GI diet. I find now that I can lose weight with porridge for breakfast and lunch Mon-Fri, with fruit for snacking, and a good three course dinner with a glass and a half of wine. We have real lunch and dinner on Sat &Sun, porridge for breakfast only. We buy bread only at weekends, and enjoy it all the more for that.  No chocs or biscuits in the house.

It doesn't feel like a **** (d word), so it doesn't feel like an imposition or restriction. My old problem has been having a strict regime but finding reasons for giving myself days off so that I went crazy for everything.

Can't stand Lorraine's whiney voice, as much as anything else.[:#]

Best wishes,


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I watched that programme too.   I am ashamed to say that I have tried most of those diets.  Not the cabbage soup one though - yuk.

My greatest weight loss was the cambridge, but  boy do you suffer hunger pangs.  I lost 22lbs in 3 months, but as soon as you start "introducing" stuff back into your diet, the weight goes straight back on (living testimony to that here).

I'm amazed they didn't road test some of the more popular, sensible diets like WeightWatchers, Slimming, Slimming World, but then I guess the programme was all about "fad" diets.  I'm not knocking GI or South Beach, like you say, you have to find the best one to suit you personally.  Everyone is different, with different likes and dislikes and different metabolisms.  If you can find a regime where you can eat the foods you like in moderation, and lose a couple of pounds a week, then that's the way to go.

Talking of porridge - I decided to have porridge for lunch today with a spoonful of honey on it.  Delicious and warming and I'm now raring to get outside to chop more logs. [:)]


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[quote user="Polycarpe"]Sorry about the double post. Trying to correct a typo, I got into a tangle.R[:$][/quote]

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I cannot understand how every UK diet tells us not to eat past 7.30 and the average French ( slim) woman hasn't started eating then Grr!

I am now eating my main meal ahead of hubby and kids to stop myself picking at their food ( they don't want to diet with me) and eating yoghurt / fruit with them, it really helps me and makes me feel all self righteous at the same time!

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 I watched Lorraine Kelly's review of diets last night - what a waste of time, the final insult was giving GI to a carb addict who said she hated it and put on 2lbs !


Gay, glad I gave T.V. a miss last night as I probably would have watched that and got disillusioned[*-)]. Instead I went to the cinema and so long as I walk straight past the sweets and popcorn stand I am not tempted by anything to eat while engrossed in the film. ("Mrs. Henderson presents" good film)

Thanks Naps for details of the Boots website, I noticed today that in their shops they have lots of helpful leaflet which are free, so I brought a few home to study.

bon courage a tous[:D]


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I once saw Lorraine Kelly in the Marlow Café Uno (she used to live in nearby Cookham Dean Bottom). She is very petite indeed and I find it hard to believe she ever had a weight problem !

I am weighing tomorrow but I measured today (the Alexis method !) and there is no increase, so fingers crossed ........

Mrs Henderson Presents looks like my type of film.....

Just off to have dinner, ChickenBreast cooked on the 'George Foreman' with fresh veg, Total 5% yogurt with a few fresh raspberries and a glass of red wine [:)]

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I have been very good and have been drinking loads of water, though probably not as much as two litres per day.  Of course, if you're drinking loads of water you have to visit the littlest room more often...

Last night I had to go to my son's Collège for a meeting about his forthcoming ski trip, after an hour an a half I just couldn't squirm about any longer, I was really desperate, some of the other parents were asking really dumb questions which were already answered in the feuilles we had been given [:#], I had to slip out of the meeting otherwise something very embarrassing would have happened [:$]

Moral: if going to a meeting - hold off the water during the day.

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Is it going to be Friday or Saturday then?

Saturday might keep us off the "thank-goodness-it-is-Friday-and-the-weekend-lets-have-a-drink" until Saturday night.

Or perhaps not[*-)]

Anyway, I got weighed this morning but if it is tomorrow, I might have lost a bit more[:)]

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I weighed in this morning and am 3lbs down since Monday - less than half a pound to that 12 st. something range!.  Food side still going well, I managed to cook a meal for visitors last night with lots of sliced bread and crispy roast potatoes and didn't eat a morsel out of the rules.  Also got round the dessert hazard by buying two individual cakes to serve afterwards.

Excercise still non-existent, alcohol intake still too hgih. 

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[quote user="Suze"]I have been very good and have been drinking loads of water, though probably not as much as two litres per day.  Of course, if you're drinking loads of water you have to visit the littlest room more often...

Last night I had to go to my son's Collège for a meeting about his forthcoming ski trip, after an hour an a half I just couldn't squirm about any longer, I was really desperate, some of the other parents were asking really dumb questions which were already answered in the feuilles we had been given [:#], I had to slip out of the meeting otherwise something very embarrassing would have happened [:$]

Moral: if going to a meeting - hold off the water during the day.

Don't worry Suze, I started drinking lots of water a while ago, and although it does at first make you feel like you spend most of the day in the littlest room, your kidneys eventually adjust to accepting it as "normal", and those little trips become less frequent.

I weighed in this morning... eventually.  When I first stepped onto the scales the digital read-out read "Lo", which I kind of hoped referred to my weight, but was actually a warning that the battery had run out [:$]

So, after "borrowing" the battery from the smoke alarm, I'm weighing in at 10st 7.5lbs, a tiny bit heavier than before Christmas, but really not as horrific as I had feared.  I aim to lose a pound a fortnight, to get me to my target of 10st nothing by the start of May.


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I hope you didn't forget to replace the smoke alarm battery. We wouldn't want you burning up more calories than is good for you. Sounds like Christmas didn't do too much damage.

I've been good this week (aside from a couple of crumbs of Galette des Rois yesterday in the Salle de Fête, and the merest suggestion or two of blanquette "Le Brut Original") but I don't feel I've lost anything. Not looking forward to my weigh-in tomorrow morning. Fingers crossed and mouth firmly shut.


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Last week - 11st 11lb

Friday 6th Jan - 11st 8lb (3lb loss).

I'm pretty chuffed at that [:D]

Food side, not so good - had sausage and mash with baked beans last night (comfort eating 'cos it was cold) and during the week, we were late back from Limoges so had a Lloyd Grosman Chicken Tikka.  Also alcohol consumption this week didn't go to plan, before I knew it I'd had a whole bottle of red to myself last night [:$].

Can I weigh in on Friday mornings, as normally on Friday evenings, we get together with friends for a meal.  Tonight it's a "bring a dish" night.  Most of us are dieting, so I'm providing salads and spanish omelette along celery and carrot sticks to dip into my friends hummus and cucumber and yoghurt dip.  Our non dieting friends are bringing wine and chocolate log [:^)]

Well done everyone else.

......... and Cathy - have you put the battery back into your smoke alarm yet?

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Yep, battery is now back where it will do the most good (like telling me when I have burnt the toast) whilst scales await the next shopping trip, so can't tell me that I have eaten too much toast [:#]

I too succumbed this lunchtime to a slice of galette des rois and a glass or two of champers at the local auberge, so it'll be healthy, homemade veggie soup tonight (again, sigh).

Good luck everyone.

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I think that you have all done really well,  especially you, Gay!  Blimey, I can put on 2 lbs in an afternoon.

I stuck religiously to my diet...had to force myself to eat some days...and I lost 1.6kgs.

Anyone else have this 'I am not at all hungry' bizarre reaction to Atkins?

Just think, this was over only FIVE days...over SEVEN we will be soooo thin!  At least lose 1.6kg and a gramme[*-)]

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Haven't reached the 'I am not at all hungry' stage yet, still in the 'what can I eat now stage' but resisting well.  Doesn't help that the computer is in the hallway right next to the kitchen - just too close!

Well done everyone, and good luck to those who are checking in tomorrow - here's to another successful week! [:)]

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Naps, One thing that helped me was having protein snacks, for instance between breakfast and lunch I have an ounce of low fat cheese (often a babybel) or a slice of low fat ham and at 'tea' time I have 15 (no more no less [:)]) almonds. Protein really is more filling for longer so I don't feel so tempted to snack............

Keep up the good work everyone.........................[Y]


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Nonesense!  Last week 88.00. Today I weighed in at 85.6. First four readings said 85.5. Then up to 86.1 then down to 85.6. So I'm delighted but I don't believe that I've lost 2.4kilos; I don't look as if I have, I don't feel as if I have. nevertheless 85.6 goes in the diary.

So scales........how do the rest of you get on with them? We have a set recommended by Weightwatchers. I weigh myself the same time, once a week wearing the same light underclothes (not the SAME ONES....you know what I mean), the scales are placed in the same spot on the hard kitchen floor. And yet I get readings that can vary by as much as two kilos in the same weigh-in.

So what do you do? Take the first reading come what may? Take the best out of three. Take ten readings then average them out?

I never take one weeks final score as the last word. I do accept there are blips and provided there is a consistent progression, up or down, over the space of a month, I feel I can believe what I'm seeing.

Anyway, if last week was a blip and this week is a blip, I'm still doing OK.   [*]85.6!!!!![*]

I hope the rest of you weighing this weekend are happy with the results,



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