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Four Letter Word - DIET


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Goodness me - I'm back to the diet too - too much wine is my downfall and of course breaking my shoulder didn't help........but I was officially signed off on Tuesday !!

Had a cholesterol test a couple of weeks ago and it was normal despite the fact that I was eating 2 eggs for breakfast most days!! I have cut down just to be on the safe side....

Stated South Beach again and lost 4lbs last week, hope it will be another 2 at least on Monday. My sister gets married on 24th Sept so I want to lose a few pounds for that - I have no idea what to wear.........what I don't want is something that costs a fortune and is never worn again - any thoughts ? Its at here: http://www.manoir.com/web/olem/olem_a2a_home.jsp so all indoors.

My daughter seemed keen on a new Marks and Spencer Magic Dress, but the one I like is black !


Is it the done thing to wear black to a wedding ?[8-)]

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I tried/am trying to change my shape by changing my eating habits as I believe that dieting is only short term and will be followed by backsliding.

I gave up spirits, chocolate and confectionery. I have pretty much cut out milled wheat products such as bread, cakes, biscuits and have cut down on potatoes. I try to take more excercise. Result: I fairly quickly lost a stone, but stayed on that wieght for over a year.

However, my experience has been diferent from Russethouse's in that since dislocating and fracturing my shoulder a month ago I have lost three quarters of a stone. A drastic but effective shock to the system, the hot weather helped too.

PS: IMHO Russethouse's daughter is on the right track - the magicwear outfits looks great. But this is a male opinion and therefore does not count.

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I hope the shoulder is healing - did you need an op ? I found I lost my confidence regarding exercises, even after I got rid of the sling and I' still nervous of tripping over and somehow doing it again.

For the first few weeks I was pretty limited re activity and started having wine in the evening....however I have to say I did South Beach before, and lost 4 stone so I'm nipping this 10lbs in the bud ! It did change my taste for certain foods - sweet things just do not have the same appeal

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Had a cholesterol test a couple of weeks ago and it was normal despite the fact that I was eating 2 eggs for breakfast most days!! I have cut down just to be on the safe side....

LOL my father had one of these tests and wasn't allowed to have breakfast before the test. So immediately afterwards and before he got the result he dashed out and had an all day breakfast, eggs, bacon the lot![:)]

Re the dress:

Is it the done thing to wear black to a wedding ?

Well if you were to add a bright hat and maybe a scarf or shawl then I think you could get away with it, very smart and very slimming.

edit, The M&S magic wear looks too good to be true, I must go and try it on![8-|]

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 I use the first two weeks of South Beach which bans a lot of carbs but not veg, the idea is not to go into into ketosis but to stop the highs and lows of your blood sugar, so 'good snacks' are recommended.

In theory amounts are not limited, (except where specified) but common sense comes into play. You should never be hungry.


You just do the Phase 1 for 2 weeks then go on to Phase 2 which can include healthy (low GI) carbs. A couple of years ago I lost four stone following this diet and I suspect that I wouldn't have regained any had I not broken my shoulder, actually I had lost more without trying at all, it really did change my eating habits.

There is an active forum, which is US based although I think there is an UK section.

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  • 1 month later...

Well.  Today was the lose ten kilo day.

I have put on 600g.

ha ha ha ha ha ha

If I had just put on 600g in three months, I would be over the moon but I did manage to lose six kilos...then gain six kilos 600g.

It is getting serious now.  After the birthday festivities, I'm starting again.


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Happy Birthday Alexis[kiss]

I honestly thought you would do it but I'm sure you will now you are serious [:D]

Didn't have any luck either. Wanted to lose for beach holiday starting next weekend. Have starved myself all this week cause I know how disappointed I am going to be next week but haven't lost a thing. [:(]

Going to do an internet search on getting the metabolism going. [I]

Won't give up will keep slimming and smiling [:D]

The Other Jan

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I fell off the wagon before the horse had even got the bridle in its mouth![:(]

Who has lost a lot of weight?

How did you do it?

Can any one recommend a diet that doesn't feel like complete deprivation and works?

I did the Atkins 4 years ago and it worked well but the bill for the meat and mouthwash [:$]was a downside! but I was  a bit worried about the long term health risks.

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We are all going to lose weight for Christmas now...by all I mean the three of us still slogging along after the "hundreds" who started with us in January[:)]

I've seen you posting!  You know who I mean![:)]

I did very well until about June but although I have been carefull, I just haven't had the heart to do it.  All that has changed and today is the day.

Calorie counting for me.  I find it suits me best but I did do very well on Atkins.

Jan, what you need is a lover....that will get the old metabalism jumping.  Come to think of it, I could do with one too!  Or at least fall in love!

I'm just off to write down my calories in my little book.

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In this weather, all I can think about is "comfort" food.  Not at all good for the diet.  But I am determined to try and lose at least half a stone before Xmas. 

I've been told the best thing to boost your metabolism is exercise - but although I am no couch potato, exercise just doesn't appeal.  I do quite like walking, but during the summer it was just too hot (especially as I'm still having "my own occasional personal summers" and the weather today is just rain, rain, rain, oh and more rain.

But sooner or later, I will dust of my pedometer, check the batteries and start walking again.

Good luck everyone - we can do it.

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Half a stone before Christmas. Excellent I'll look a bit less like Father Christmas  [:P]

Did an internet search for increasing metabolism have to pay for everything which leads me to lovers. My shape and age I will probably have to pay for one of those. Thanks for the advice Alexis but what is your secret - lovers on this thread and petting and behind the bike sheds on another thread [6] Those were the days [;-)]

Internet search did remind me of the salmon and melon diet I tried last summer the only thing I managed to lose weight on so going to give it a try next week, last ditch attempt to feel better on beach holiday. Wish I was going Skiing .

Know what you mean about the pedometer Jan. I think mine is covered with building rubble. Also know what you mean about personal summers before mine started it was so easy to lose weight.

The Other Jan

Still smiling and slimming [:D] [:D]

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  • 4 weeks later...

Tried the salmon and melon diet before the beach hol did lose 2 kilos a lot for me and the first loss in months, but didn't make an ounce ho ho of difference to my appearance. Holiday pics look worse than ever, I did try to run and hide.

Put 4 kilos on over the holiday. Have lost the 4 kilos since I got back last thursday you don't want to know how.I dont think I will have lost anything when I get on the scales tomorrow morning reckon I am back on the plateau but I still feel I cant give up and must be a BIG loser [:D]

The Other Jan

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Here's the link - it really works, I've even been cheating and am still managing to lose weight.  You won't go hungry.  Unlike Atkins you can eat fruit & veg, drink diet sodas AND a glass of wine a day!

  You choose 30 of your favourite foods from 2 lists and they concoct a personal diet for you over 11 days.  You can lose up to 9 lbs!  When the 11 days are up you can EAT WHAT YOU LIKE for 3 days and then - if you wish - do it all over again.  You can change the food choices on the list (I think there are about 50 to choose from) to have a new diet.

It comes with a diet handbook to consult,  with tips on how not to put it all back on again etc..  Apparently it's a question of what you eat when you eat it and what you eat it with.  You can eat as much as you want (although you MUST NOT stuff yourself silly and you have 4 meals a day, it tricks the metabolism into burning up fat.

It costs 36 euros but you can use it as many times as you like without being charged anymore for it.


Good luck it's my last day tomorrow and I'm partying all weekend!!  I'm starting again on Monday, and guess what?  I haven't had the PMT symptoms!


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