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fresh cream


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anyone know where on earth I can get fresh cream suitable for making my own icecream?  Never ever seen it on sale anywhere. 

My little boy (keen ice cream fan) would like to have a go making some.  I've got the recipes, but I want the fresh cream now.  Suggestions welcome.


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Yes, it is available at our LeClerc and Auchan stores.  The heavy thick stuff and / or the lighter versions.  I do think they have preservatives in them and I'm not sure if you are looking for the non-preservative versions.  If so, I haven't noticed those here, but they are most likely available at the BIO stores.



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From what I can gather you can only get proper fresh cream in Normandy, the rest of the country has creme fraiche and that taste..... I am starting to think it is like marmite, either you like it or you don't.

I have tried using boxed elle et vire creme liquid in ice cream, but it would have been a lot better if it had been thicker.


I would suggest maybe a mix of mascarpone and creme liquid, I think if I was going to give it another go, that is what I would try, but as I haven't I can only guess how good it would be. For me it couldn't be worse than using creme fraiche........my husband would love it, I would hate it.

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I keep trying to find something that is like double or whipping cream, like you would use on a trifle or with scones or sandwich a cake together with as we hate wizzy cream out of a canister[+o(] and thats all I seem to be able to get or something in a plastic pouch with a nozzle on the corner which isn't too bad at a pinch.
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I had some over Christmas (though it is a normal stock item - I just don't use it that often). If I remember it was Elle and Vire Normandy creme entier. it was in a plasticized soft pouch in the chiller.  I was really surprised at just how thick it was when I came to use it - you could stand a spoon up in it.

Whizzy cream tastes a bit odd and loses it's volume very quickly, only good (IMO) to top a hot chocolate!
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Miss Babs I make my own chantilly cream for scones. I seem to remember Val2 saying she uses mascarpone, apologies Val if I have misremembered.

I use elle et vire creme entier in the little boxes, it is long life stuff. I make sure it is well chilled. And then as for all chantilly I add a little icing sugar. I whisk and if by chance it doesn't thicken as much as I want, or if I am going to pipe it, then I use some creme fixe or similar thing, all easily available in the supermarkets.

It isn't quite double cream, but a good chantilly has it's own worth IMO. I never over sugar mine either and everybody seems to like it like that.


Suze I 'll look for that in the fresh food rayon and let you know how I get on.

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I can't get fresh cream here either. I could get it when I lived in Normandy, although not everywhere.

If I want a double cream equivalent, I either use marscapone or I mix marscapone with creme semi epaisse that you get in little boxes. I like creme fraiche but not with sweet things. My first attempt with creme fraiche was to eat it with stawberries; there was a picture of a strawberry on the pot and mentally I had translated "creme fraiche epaisse" as "thick fresh cream" (now, why would I do that? )


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Mistral, the first time I bought it and put it on a cake, I was just about grabbing the plates off my guests apologising that the cream was off. They all ate it but me, because I still think it tastes 'on the turn'. I use it in cooking most. I admit that I do use it in the odd sweet thing, that needs a quirky taste and along with other things, 'nature' and I just cannot stand it.

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