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Four letter word - diet part 2


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Know what you mean about the weather. I am not as good as you, I have had a tiny bit chocolate and an Auberge meal. [6]

Can't believe it though I have lost another 2lbs, That's nearly half a stone in three weeks. I really am in a state of shock. [8-)]  Rosemary's book says there might be less weight loss this week but lots of inch loss. Waist has reduced by 3 inches!!!!! Have done a lot of physical work this week and also the exercises every day.

I am sooo happy [:D] Shorts are packed for the beach holiday, hope I can still get into them at the end of the holiday. Will try and be good.
Hope everyone else has had a good week

The Other Jan

Still slimming and smiling [:D]

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Well done Joy and Jan.

I lost 1 whole pound this week, which is pretty amazing as we had visitors last night and were tucking into cheese and crackers until well into the early hours, after a huge spaghetti bolognese.

I'll probably pay for that tomorrow.


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Well done to one and all!  My 1st week and only 1lb lost.  Not my best week I must say - but arrive in France tomorrow so hopefully I will do better this week.  May get in a bit of exercise too although I see the weather is nice and hot so perhaps I will just sweat it off doing some gardening etc.  (Better not rehydrate with wine though!)

Keep up the good work



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Well, what an absolutely brilliant week - well done everyone! [:D][:D][:D][:D]

Sadly I'm going to let the team down as I am the same weight again this week.  I did count cals for about four days but went off the rails a bit at the weekend - and I'm having problems cutting down on the old Pineau and vino at the moment [6] [:$] (hic!)

Got a couple of friends and their husbands coming over for the weekend so can't see me losing this week either.  Feeling positively good though - lots of clothes now too big and feel very confident in shorts - even in tankinis [;-)] - and have actually bought a couple of bikinis but might need to loose the last 10lbs before I feel brave enough for those [:-))]

Tell you what, despite what I've just said about not losing this coming week, let's make a pact and see if we can have a week where everyone (apart from those on holiday [:)] ) loses something - no matter how little - and I'll have a Trojan effort and only be gluttonous during the actualy weekend (and not a couple or three days either side and use the weekend as an excuse [:$] )

And here's a little thougt for the week.  Many moons ago I enrolled at yet another slimming club and there was a guy who also enrolled during that same week.  The following week we had both lost weight - 1 lb each.  I was totally downhearted and couldn't be bothered going again the following week.  A couple of months later I decided to give it another go.  The guy was still there and that very evening was celebrating his first stone lost!  Had I stuck with it I could have been celebrating my first stone lost too.  Instead I was still at square one, two months further along, and nothing to show for it.  And the moral of this little tale?  One pound a week might not seem like much, but in a very short space of time it becomes lots of pounds!

You are all super-stars !!!

Lynda x


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Hi All,


Arrived back yesterday from France - did eat plenty of salads etc but couldn't resist the sauces etc!  This morning just 1lb off - still, better than 1lb on I suppose.  I really must try and motivate myself a bit more - cut down on the wine etc and see an improvement next week.

Hope you all had a good week and there is a little less of all of us (no matter how small)!

Keep on going.



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Ok you lot you've convinced me.  I've got 11 kg of unsightly fat hanging around (well it sounds better than 25 lbs doesn't it) and am despairing of shifting it.  The problem is I am surrounded by food - run a B & B and have to eat with the customers, and they are on holiday and want to eat and drink all sorts of lovely things.  My other problem is (I know, already sounds like a heap of excuses) that I already take lots of exercise, walking, yoga, swimming, aqua aerobics plus I run up and down our 66 stairs all day so bumping up exercise is hard.   I LOATHE keep fit/gym type things so know I will never stick to that.  I'm trying not to drink or eat any apero nibbles(but that is pretty difficult) and yesterday when refusing slice of my neighbour's delicious cake felt enormously  guilty as her wails of 'Il n'est pas bon, mon gateau?' filled my ears.  I'm tall 5' 8" and big boned so I guess I don't look enormously fat but I would like to be a great deal slimmer and actually be able to buy clothes here in France without being made to feel like small elephant.  Hope that you lot might have some ideas for me and also motivate me to keep going.  I lose weight so slowly that all the effort doesn't seem worth it.

This week schedule - tonight aperos with husband's boss, Wednesday - meeting at library (fatal always cakes) Thursday, Friday customers for dinner.   Saturday - out to dinner friends' house so no option to chose low fat things. Sunday, Monday customers for dinner.  Customers dinners are 4 course with aperos, wine and coffee - I try to miss out cheese (hard cos I love it) and only drink one glass of wine.  I don't drink any fizzy drinks (not even champagne!) and all the low calorie options seem to be fizzy.  If I say I don't want alcohol I seem to be offered even sweeter and more sickly things.

Help - any ideas??? 


PS Husband is unfairly slim - he is Indian with hugely sweet tooth and endless appetite for scrummy high fat curries etc.  He is not very supportive of slimming thing, simply says that as I am quite fit I don't need to worry.  OK for him to say as he scoffs another bar of chocolate or bag of pick and mix!



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Hi Maggi and welcome! Don't worry, I know what it is like to loose weight VERY slowly! I have lost another 1lb this week. However that is 4lb since I got re-motivated by Lynda! Well done Fiona as well! 1lb lost whilst on holiday is brilliant! [:D] Maggi, have you got access to any weight watchers materials? At least that way you can eat the odd treat and have a glass of wine(make sure it's a small glass though!!!) I am using my weight watchers materials as I find it easier to think in points rather than calories! Weight watchers have a website in french or an english version, and you can also buy the magazines in french. (I don't often as my reading in french is not yet good enough! You can order the english one to be deliverd in france though.)

As for the dreaded apero- I know what you mean! I always try to limit myself to pickled onions ans gherkins though (no points!) By the way I make a delcious creamy curry with low fat creme fraiche and it's low in points value too! You just need to find a regime that suits you and then stick with it (ha -ha easier said than done!)  I also have a slim husband and skinny children - life is soooo unfair! But,1lb a week is a stone in 3 months - as said last week! We can do it!!!! Best wishes Joy

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Thanks for the support Joy and I will try, the main problem - perhaps I didn't make this clear - is that I have to eat what the guests are eating plus or minus and they don't want to eat low-fat, calorie conscious meals.  For example Sunday's dinner asked for (nay DEMANDED) by returning guests.   Smoked salmon quiche, gigot of lamb with dauphinois potatoes and veg (I don't think she is getting the carrots in crème fraiche even though she has asked), cheese, and raspberry and white chocolate tiamisu.  Not a lot of non-fattening in there.  I can't start serving myself different things as that will start various people off wanting choices and it is difficult enough doing table d'hôte meals and pleasing everyone anyway.  I could ignore their request, but as they are a whole bunch of Aussies returning to the CdH and therefore my bread and butter (ooh sorry only bread not allowed butter[:)]) it is a bit tricky.  I really do try not to eat large portions, but if I don't have anything will have to shut myself up in the kennel with the dogs to stop myself drooling.  I am beginning to think the only thing to do is not eat except when others are here - i.e. a lot of the time.  But the problem with that is I'm starving if I miss meals. 

I think it is quite easy for people who live alone to diet, but when you are constantly eating in public it is a great deal more difficult.  I WILL MAKE A BIG EFFORT

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Welcome Maggie, good to have another member on board.  Remember, it doesn't matte how slowly the weight comes off, as long as it comes off. 

Well, I don't know what's going on with me, but after 1lb off last week, I'm up this week.  2 days ago I had lost another pound.  This morning however, I have gained those 2lbs  + 1 more, so I'm not feeling all that happy with myself.  I have really cut down on my wine intake and stopped buying the Ricard altogether.  I'm getting more exercise, but not that much more.  I think I just need a good kick up the backside to get me remotivated.

I'm off to Super U now to check out their "diet" section and will be buying up the salad counter.  I wish I could eat fish, but it just doesn't agree with me and there is only so much chicken and turkey you can eat.  Not a huge red meat eater either.

Fingers crossed for next week.

Congrats all you other winners.


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Yummy sounds delicious!! What about a small slice of quiche, loads of lamb and veggies and a tablespoon of potatoes? Pudding, hmmmm, difficult! Just a very small serving? You could always fill up later with fruit and low fat yougurt!! Have you explained to your guests that you are on a strict regime? Any other ideas anyone? Joy

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Welcome from me too Maggie, great to have you with us.  Mmm, I do sympathise with you, it must be very difficult to have to eat all those gorgeous sounding goodies when you're trying to cut down, especially when, as you say, your guests are on holiday and want to eat scrummy things.  I suppose that might be the answer, i.e. you're not on holiday and simply cannot eat such luxurious things all the time - though I understand that it might be difficult to eat differently to your guests. Though if I was one of your guests then I would fully understand.    If the guests have specifically requested a certain menu then you shouldn't worry about eating something different, i.e. they have made their choice and, from the sounds of it, should be very happy in deed and not be worried about what you're eating.  Perhaps rather than dazzle them by eating something completely different that might tempt them to request it for themselves, have something very simple looking for yourself?  Or perhaps offer your guests a large green salad with starters/mains/cheese and bowl of fruit with dessert and just tuck into yourself and avoid the naughty things?  As a final resort you could simply tell people you have a dairy/wheat allergy - or say that you are having to lose weight under doctors orders - that usually shuts people up [:D]  Whatever you decide to do, if you want to lose weight then something is going to have to change.  You either stop eating with your guests - perhaps too extreme(?), have something different to them, or have the same as them but very small portions - and then smear it rounjd your plate to look like you've had lots (like wot I used to do at school when we had semolina for pudding [+o(] [:D] ).  Oh and by the way, please can I have the recipe for the white chocolate tiramisu - sounds divine [6]

Fiona and Joy - well done [:D] [:D].  As you have said, one pound at a time ... and suddenly it's a stone!

Jan, please don't be disheartened, I'm sure it's just one of those silly little blips - usually a water retention thingy - and all will be well next week!

Getting bored of saying this now, but no change for me again - but had a brilliant weekend with friends [6] [6]  One of the highlights was going into a lovely frock shop (the lady makes all the clothes herself) and finding a STUNNING skirt which would be ideal for the wedding (daughter's next Feb) and she said she can make me a bustier and little jacket to complete the ensemble.  The reason for me telling you this tale is that prior to my weight loss there's just NO WAY I would have been brave enough to try it on.  As it happens it was an (almost) perfect fit and exactly the right length - and I'm 5'10" so heaven knows who she had in mind when she made it!  All the items in the shop as samples so everything is made 'bespoke' and we've arranged for me to go back in September to start the process.  Hopefully that will now get me kick started again so that I can shift the final 10lbs - and then keep it off during the summer months!!

Lynda x


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Thanks ladies for your welcome and support.  I try not to mention the diet in public as it usually results in me wishing to smack some skinny size 8 stuffing her face and telling me I don't need to lose weight (I do!).  It also irritates the hell out of my husband and to be fair when I met him he told me he couldn't bear women who were obsessed by their appearance and kept wittering on about diets and he just preferred people who enjoyed their food and their lives and accepted themselves how they are - so he would be quite angry if I said the doctor thing as he knows it is untrue and that I'm healthy.  He would, of course, be concerned if my weight was a health issue - but  when I spoke to our doctor he simply said that I could probably lose a few pounds but as I was very healthy and fit and didn't put weight on easily either he didn't feel it was a major issue.

I will however resort to the pushing things round my (smaller) plate and trying desperately to not eat nice things.  I'm afraid I'm never going to be a 'born again dieter' who says how much happier they are eating only one lettuce leaf and a slice of cucumber.  I like wine, cheese, chocolate, potatoes, charcuterie, red meat, nuts, biscuits, cake, custard, cream, butter etc as well as fruit, veg etc.  I don't want to be Twiggy (my skeleton is bigger than a size 8!)  but I really do want to get rid of the excess which makes buying nice clothes so difficult so eating less it is and see you all next week.  Hope you are feeling slimmer already[:)]

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Hiya Maggie

Don't despair.  If your husband notices you are not eating so much, just tell him "to be honest, I'm not that hungry" which is a good one when the weather gets a bit warmer.  If you like your food, then eat it, just in smaller portions.  As for your husband and doctor telling you that you are healthy and fit, you very probably are but I can fully understand from what you are saying that you are not comfortable with the way you are at the moment.  People tell me I'm not overweight (I tell them to see an optician - lol), but I am not comfortable in my clothes and it is after all me who's lugging the extra weight around and no one else.  I'm the one who knows that by losing even half a stone, I'll be able to get into the trousers I brought last year and I know that will make me happy. 

So tune into your fit and healthy body by slowly reducing your intake.  Don't even think about giving up the nice things you like, just eat them in moderation.  And certainly don't think that a lettuce leaf and some cucumber will do the trick.  Your body will go into starvation mode and as soon as you start eating other stuff - it'll think all it's birthdays have come at once and stock up and store the calories for another possible fast.

If your returning guests notice you are not eating so much - joke with them about it and tell them it means there will be more left over for them.

Have a good week.


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Good morning everyone. Hope that you have all had a good week[:)] I

wish the lovely warm sunshine would come back, I never feel as hungry

when the sun is shining! The weeds in the garden are growing like mad

and I am desperate to get outside in the garden, a good way to burn off

a few calories. Well, I've managed to loose another 1lb! Slow and

steady! I'll soon hit the 1/2 stone mark- yipee!!!![:D] In fact since

the christmas weigh in (before the gains in March!) I've already lost

1/2 stone, although 4 of those were only gained at christmas and new


My husband was on a trip to the UK last week and bought me a book on

the ferry home - "French Women Don't get Fat".( I am not sure whether

to be thanking him or not!!!) I know that it's not true of all french

women, around here in Normandy there are plenty of larger ladies! Most

of it is common sense, like portion control, but it does make

interesting reading. I notice from the suggested menus that there are

no carbohydrates eaten with the main evening meal, well, except for a

small slice of baguette! I quite like the idea of eating small but good

quality meals that stimulate the tastebuds! She also suggests eating

seasonal foods, so that the diet is varied and doesn't become bland and

routine! Oh- and drinking loads of water and eating leeks to banish

fluid retention!!! I think I will adopt some of her principles and give

it a go! I will also get to keep the one glass of wine a day! (yipee!!)

Keep motivated ladies, summer is just around the corner and the shorts are beconing!!(Help!!!) Joy
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Well done Joy - good for you [:D]

And HURRAH - I've lost one pound too!!!  Finally, I've broken the plateau - though it's not really been a plateau as such as I haven't been trying these last few weeks.  To be honest I'm not really sure how I've managed to lose anything this week either as I've certainly not been counting the cals, though I have done 30 mins on the cross-trainer every other day.  I rather suspect it's dehydration from all the booze I've drunk recently - but hey, if the scales say I'm a pound lighter then who am I to argue [:D] [:P]

Only 8lbs to go .... [:-))]

And if anyone is trying to buy shorts in size 12 on eBay then forget it - I'm just a size 12 shopaholic [:D]

Enjoy the sunshine!

Lynda x


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Morning - it's me.  Well done to you both for losing weight, especially Lynda 'cos it's awful when you get stuck.  Good News -hooray I've lost 2lb[:D].  Thanks all for giving me the motivation to get started.

Can't say it has been easy - I'm the nominated driver for the rest of the summer so I can use that as an excuse for not drinking when we go out - though plain water is pretty boring and as I don't drink fizz that is about all that is on offer.  Fruit juice is higher calorie than wine so not a lot of point!  Have actually resorted to only eating fruit unless I am eating with guests etc.  Perhaps not the best way but anything to get a kick start and the only way I can stay anywhere near a sensible number of calories.  This week will not start well, as today is our wedding anniversary and I can hardly refuse offer to go to restaurant, especially as I've been cooking non-stop since Thursday.  Will stick to fish (which I love) and not have cheese so hopefully it won't be too disastrous - but somehow it spoils the pleasure having to think like that.

French women don't get fat???  Plenty of hefty country ladies round here and the thin ones all seem to chain smoke and take anti-depressants!  I'd rather be fat and cheerful than that as an alternative.  I also know that some slim French ladies take various drugs/substances which they obtain from their doctors to help weight loss.  I find that positively scary.  there was a big scandal last year about some of the weight loss products which pharmacies were selling - it is a huge market here, but it isn't a substitute for eating properly.

And actually all these books lie.  One square of chocolate is nowhere near as nice as half a bar, and one manky gherkin with your aperitifs is not an adequate substitute for several slices of delicious saucisson, a few olives and some of those gorgeous cheesy things.  It may be what I need to do but I don't believe I'll ever get to enjoy dieting.  For me it is not a case of eating more healthily as we eat very healthily anyway, simply a case of realising that my metabolism can't cope with eating as much as some others. 

Anyway not too much doom and gloom - we've all managed to lose weight and the sun is shining.  Guests ahve just left and there are 3 bedrooms to change and the tx return to do and the dogs want to go for a walk. 

Keep smiling and perhaps slimming






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