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Four letter word - diet part 2


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1lb off since last week but out to dinner to night and guests requiring 4 course goodies for the rest of the week.  Determined to lose 6lb before end of September (dream on).  Foot STILL stitched up so exercise curtailed as I can't wear any shoes except flip flops and I'm scared to walk on uneven ground in case I do more damage.  Allowd to swim again now, but weather a bit cold.

Well done all you "losers".

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Well done everyone [:D] Afraid I haven't lost anything but definitely feel and look thinner. Think it said in the diet book that this can happen. Still want to lose another stone so will keep on trying. Might have tried too hard and eaten too little and gone into starvation mode.Keep thinking of the wedding outfit Fiona (so sorry to hear about the death it must be so upsetting for the family) I wore the outfit last saturday and had to hold my stomach in all day  sooo wished I had lost a few more pounds.

Cerise hope the foot is not as painful as it sounds.

The Other Jan

Still slimming & smiling [:D]


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Well done everyone who is still trying! I have stayed the same this week, I was doing well until I came down with a streaming cold on Saturday! I am afraid I gave in to the lure of a Mars bar and a couple of glasses of Benedictine!! (For medical reasons of course). I still feel grotty and keep sneezing, so am afraid the exercise has gone out the window for the next few days. I feel a bit better today after a long hot soak in our new bath, installed yesterday. My first bath in two years, showers just aren't the same, especially when you feel all shivery with a cold[:D] Hope you've all had a better week than me. All the best Joy

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Hi Joy - hope you feel better soon.  Nothing nicer than a choccy bar and medicinal brandy when you are feeling grotty.

Finally managed to get power to my treadmill yesterday, so I shall be setting it up (if I can remember how to programme it) for a short walk.  I'm so unfit, I think I'll just start with 1km then next week do 2km and so on.  I can also adjust the height of the treadmill so it feels like I'm walking uphill as well.  When I'm not doing that, I'll be doing proper walks in the countryside.  Mind you it's nice and cool in the barn, so better when the weather is hot.

Well, off to the shops now to stock up on crispbread.  Found a nice cheesy flavoured one.  Did an experiment last week and stayed off bread for the whole week and had crispbreads instead.  Noticed I didn't feel at all bloated after lunch.  Went back onto bread this week and the bloated feeling came back.

Keep warm and get over that cold.  You'll be back on track soon.


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Thanks Jan. Hope you enjoy your walks, I will be back to walking again once the cold has cleared up. Do you normally eat baguette? Much as I love them, they dont like me! I always bloat after eating them, but I am Ok on whole grain sliced bread (pain anglais complete). Joy

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Well done Jan.  I'm still stuck at the same place and constantly being invited out to eat so not doing too well.  At least I haven't put any back on so perhaps have to get stuck in again when I get back from holiday.  Where are the others - so skinny they have fallen through a crack in cyber space?
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  • 4 weeks later...

Righto my lovelies - I'M BACK !!!

I'm sorry that I deserted you but I got a bit fed up being stuck on that plateau and not getting to my target - with only a few pounds to go!  However, I've had a BRILLIANT summer and am SO glad that I lost the 20 odd pounds in time for shorts, strappy tops and cossies!  I've eaten very well and not skimped on the old deamon drink - but I've religiously done 30 minutes on the cross-trainer every other day.  However, I have put a few pounds back on and now that we have no more visiting family and friends scheduled this year (apart from a few days next week) I am embarking on 'Operation Wedding Outfit' - in preparation for my step-daughter's wedding in February!  Would anyone care to join me on my journey - no, not to the wedding, but loosing a few pounds in time for Christmas/New Year festivities??

As always, my approach is military operation style and this very morning I went through my eating diary - which I kept from 2nd January until mid July - and made a list of all the different (calorie counted) meals that we had so that when doing my planning I can just look at the list and see what takes our fancy.  Easy peasy!  I know this isn't practical for some of you - and probably sounds postively disturbing to others - but it's what works for me.

And if you want a bit of encouragement, just look at the beginning of this thread - do you really want to start 2008 exactly as you started 2007?  Just think, in January you COULD be doing something different other than that making the same old New Year resolution about loosing weight! 

Will drop in on Tuesday but not for a weigh-in - hopefully someone will be there??

Lynda x


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Hi Lynda

Not properly on this thread but do so want to say "hi".  After the initial weight loss when we first came here, decorating, worry, no cooking facilities, worry, gardening, worry, vists to mairie, worry, etc etc in this sort of pattern, I am now too frightened to step on the scales because ALL my clothes are tight!

Do not have the discipline to diet at this time and certainly not the discipline to cut down on the booze, so will carry on for a bit until I feel that HUGE wave of disgust one day when I'm looking in the mirror and then, I SHALL join you!

Still being "visited", and loads of "stuff" to sort out, but hope to meet up with you soon and have that "occasional slip" that us dieters are entitled to where we have a lovely slap-up meal and b****r the consequences!

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Hi Lynda! Welcome back! We need your motivation! I have loads of visitors over the next few weeks and then am back in UK for 5 days. However, I am being good on the days in between visitors! I am pleased that I am 4lb lighter than in January, but disappointed that I haven't done better! definately joining you in a major attempt before christmas.  Half a stone less, that should be acheivable!! See you around. Joy

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Hello again Lynda great to hear from you . I'm definitely up for losing half a stone for Christmas. Same as Joy I'm about 4 lbs lighter than in January but I put an additional half a stone on and lost it, which means I could have been nearly a stone lighter. Hope you understand the maths, not sure I do [8-)] Upset with myself for losing for the first time in years and allowing myself to put it back on. It did feel soooo good to look reasonable in shorts and sleeveless tops again. Have started the exercises again, giving up the alcohol tomorrow, and back on the low fat regime.

The Other Jan

Still slimming and smiling [:D]

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Hi everybody, found this thread at the weekend and read it, I'd like to join you all, you all seem smashing people. I've got the scales and bought the apple cider vinegar  finished the chocolate last night got weighed this morning and after having a bit of a weep due to the weight gain i am now determined to lose it. So its the big weigh in tomorrow and we'll be on our way. Linda you've done really well but where are the before and after photos as promised.

Good luck everybody for this week.

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Morning Everyone - and what a FABULOUS morning it is!  Waiting for OH to finish his sesh on the cross-trainer so thought I'd come and have a chat.  Have just a had a walk in the garden with the dogs and feel all full of whimsy and plumtiousness (though not plumtious in a rounded sort of way!) - isn't it amazing how great the sunshine makes you feel.

Thank you for your warm welcome back [kiss].  I have been sort of keeping track and did feel quite guilty to just disappear like that but anyway, I promise I'm back to stay!

As you can see, I have 12lbs to loose which will get me down to the aforementioned WW Gold weight of 10st 10lbs.  Just before we went over to the UK in July I got down to 11st so the mathemeticians amongst you will deduce that I have gained 8lbs over the summer.  Considering all the visitors we've had and all the food and booze that I've consumed then I'm amazed that it's not a lot more [6] so, adopting the 'glass is half full' sort of approach, let's be grateful for small (8lb) mercies and get on with getting rid of it!!

Welcome Geordie Girl - and throwing out challenges on your first post on this thread!  I like it!  So, you want photo's eh?  If you recall, I did actually say that I would post befores and afters when I got to my target - but, if that's what you want, what you really really want [:-))], then perhaps I should comply - a sort of before, during, and then after.  I do have a bit of a challenge with this however (oh, here come the excuses, I hear you say) in that we had a a bit of a disaster recently and lost the hard drive of our computer - with all our photos on [:'(].  Everyone has been brilliant and we've had family and friends send disks of photos for us but we've not got round to sorting them yet.  So, yes, I will post some photos but for next week's 'weight-in' - deal?

So, m'dears, how are we all going to make sure that we've lost even a teeny weeny bit of weight by next week?  As I've already (bored you to death with) said, I'm back to keeping my food diary and counting the cals - 1250 max per day.  I've got a brilliant recipe for chicken fried rice - yes, FRIED [:-))] - and it's less than 400 cals for a great big plateful.  No time at moment to type it but will do before next week.

Anyway, Pete's finished his sesh now so off to do mine.  Have a great week all!

L x



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Morning Geordie Girl - I guess you were posting as I was typing! 

Firstly, don't ever be ashamed about ANYTHING!  Secondly, ignore how much in total you have to lose and concentrate only on losing just one kilo!  Just think how brilliant you'll feel when you're one kilo lighter - your clothes will feel looser, your health will improve and you'll get such a buzz from having achieved a goal of one kilo that you'll want to carry on!

So, that's all you have to loose - just one, very achieveable, kilo - and, I promise you, you can do it!!

Go (Geordie) girl !![:D]

L x


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Thanks linda I thought there was no-one else out there. I am 50-ish now and have always been a size 10-12 but we lost our grandson 6 years ago and i didn't eat forever it seems. Then I discovered chocolate and the weight has just piled on. Well now its time to get it off so here goes.

Sorry to be morbid on the thread

cheers liz

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Hello everyone and a big Hello Hinny, Geordie Girl.

Know what you mean about the sunshine Lynda it made me feel so much better, even meant I didn't have any alcohol yesterday. Weighed in and happy that I have lost a pound since Sunday, can't believe what a difference the exercises make. Need to lose 10 kilos and would love to lose it by Christmas but will try ever sooo hard and be happy with any loss. I am now 6 kilos under the last plateau and the difference in how I look and feel is absolutely amazing, I would never have believed it. The frumpy look has gone [:D] I keep thinking all the time that a kilo is the size of a bag of sugar and to lose that amount is fantastic.

I know we will all be big losers. Have a successful week.

The Other Jan

Stiill slimming and smiling [:D]


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Sorry GG was writing as you posted. So sorry to hear about your grandson it must have been devastating. Can fully understand that weight seemed a trivial thing. Stay with us and you will get back to that size 10.

All the Best

The Other Jan

PS Are you a Geordie Girl

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[quote user="geordie girl"]

God just realised that i've got 20 bags of sugar to lose.[:(]


Why not make some jam?  Sorry, just being silly and couldn't resist having a joke with a real Geordie.  Wish I could get motivated enough to join you lot but, just don't feel the time is right just now......................!

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come on sweet 17, if i can try then you can. I kept putting it off and now its gonna be really hard but i'm game for it.Wish i'd started last year (or even the year before) but hey girl its never too late. get on them scales now and start along with the rest of us.


PS how much jam could i make with 20 bags of sugar?

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Welcome geordie girl! Good to have you with us! Lynda, can't wait to read your chicken and fried rice receipe[:)] sounds great! OK, I have gained 300g this week. [:(] It's my own fault though, didn't write down what I ate! Back to basics for me this week, 1200cals a day! I won't be able to exercise much as we have yet more visitors arriving on Thursday, but if I can keep the food under control I should be OK. Still aiming for 1/2 stone by christmas! Joy

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Hello - me again.  Well I have only lost 7lb since May - but at least I've lost something and good news I didn't put on any weight on 2 weeks holiday.  So I'm back and need you to keep shouting at me Lynda to try to get rid off the rest of the weight.  If I could lose another half stone by Xmas I'd be ecstatic.  1500 cals a day for me - difficult given that my parents are arriving for a stay next week and my mum has Jewish Mother Syndrome - "Eat, eat, you must eat" so   Have a good week everyone and keep smiling - difficult when it is cold and chocolate is off the menu.
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Hello everyone and welcome Geordie Girl.

I won't divulge my weight this week as our last lot of visitors have just gone.  They were vegetarians - did you know you could put on weight eating lots of veggie food and vegetables.  No!  Well I did.  Ho-hum.

No more visitors this year, so am cracking onto it and hoping to lose a bit before Christmas.  However, after 4 days of veggie eating, we are having sausages with jacket spuds tonight. [6]

Calorie counters among us - where do you get your calorific values from?  I used to have a book but can't find it anywhere.  Do you use a website?  Has anyone done/doing the Atkins and what did you think about it? 

Well, must away and strip beds ready for the next round of washing and get all the spare bedding packed away for the winter in mice proof boxes.



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