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tinned frogs legs


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Anyone know where I might be able to buy a small tin of frogs legs - have friends in South Africa whose workers don't belive they can be eaten (they have a glut of frogs on their farm) so would like to send them a sample tin...have only seen them frozen in supermarkets
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I tried Googling tinned frogs legs and had no luck. 

I then tried in French and was giggling to myself as 'Cuisses de Grenouilles en boite' literally translates in English as 'frogs legs in a night club' .  I know!!![:D] 

This got me thinking and giggling even more and I finally found what you were looking for betoulle.



I hope your friends in South Africa believe you now[:)]

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Bugbear,  I agree it is absolutely disgusting, and very cruel, as live/mutilated bodies are just piled up until they eventually suffocate. A lot of frogs legs are actually imported from countries like Indonasia where frogs play a vital role in keeping malaria insects down.

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go on, I dare you to do it - go and catch that frog and cut it's legs off then watch it die. maybe you could time it and report back. Actually it is illegal in France now. Rather be b...y serious, than bl...y cruel + help the spread of malaria. Nuff said.

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yep- if you ask me for a recipe for veal, I'll start all over again - unless you have a source for veau sous la mere.

Was having a grand old time today until you got me going.If you don't want to know the truth - don't ask. Personally I like to know what I eat, so I can make an informed choice.

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thanks for encouraging me to find more Twinkle - I've just found out the proper traditional French way to catch said frogs. Apparently it's done with a 3 pronged hook with a piece of red cloth attached. The frog is attracted to teh red cloth, like a bull... jumps on it and gets impaled on hook/s - then - well you know the rest already.

Education can be painful - but not as painful as the reality (especially for the frog - or the bull for that matter.) Cheers

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[quote user="betoulle"]Anyone know where I might be able to buy a small tin of frogs legs - have friends in South Africa whose workers don't belive they can be eaten (they have a glut of frogs on their farm) so would like to send them a sample tin...have only seen them frozen in supermarkets[/quote]

frogs eat huge amounts of insects - so your friends in ZA maybe very lucky that les grenouilles are keeping the disease spreading flies down - and therefore very useful little critters.

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OFGS Odile.....! The OP didn't ask that, so start a new thread if you want to bang on about it! [:@] People are capable of making their own mind up.  

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OFGS = Oh For Gods Sake - I think.

Umm.. where to start.  Okay - I've never eaten frogs legs in my life because the idea doesn't appeal to me.  I already knew how they produce frogs legs after living in rural France for 20 years.  I also know how they cook lobster and how they kill most livestock in abbatoirs.  I don't think any of this is funny and I wish it didn't happen.  I also wish that peodophiles didn't exist or parents that neglect their children or men who batter their wives. 

However - now and again a photo of a frog dancing in a nightclub makes me smile.

Thank God[:)]

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