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Free Range


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Happily in france free range can be applied to chickens and not only to "free range eggs" as would be the case in the UK.

Indeed  the veracity of the "free ranginess" of chickens for human consumption is vouched for by the famous Red Label.

Chickens from the Doué concern are a good example of superior fare for the dining table, the recent publicity campaign has been very successful in drawing attention to the product.

Certain members of french society have not been so enthusiastic.[:)]


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Strange this subject should come up this evening because only this afternoon, I was talking about this very thing to OH.

I have noticed that when we first came here to live about 3 and a half years ago, I could get a Loué chicken for about €5 a kilo.  Today, at Carrefour, the same chickens are  €7.95 a kilo.

Fortunately, for me, OH doesn't eat meat and I myself now rarely eat meat (appetite for meat was severely restricted after I was very ill with a bad dose of gastric flu summer of last year).

I can understand people buying chickens for under €3 each instead of paying €10 plus for free range.  My answer is to eat less and pay more but I appreciate that for people with large families to feed, this is not a viable option.

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Agreed. Sadly many who buy very cheap also waste a lot. My sil buys a free-range chicken for his little family, but he makes sure every bit is used. Always enough for a fricassée with veg the next day - then boil carcass and bones for stock for a rissoto and freezes it. 10000s of 2 for 1 chickens get thrown away.

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Don Edouard, patron chez LeClerc comes to the rescue. In period 28/07-07/08 Loué chickens @ € 4,19/Kg plus a "bon d'achat of € 1,17 per unit item.

There you are buy small chickens.[:D] Lots! Poitou-Charente principally. Set your Tom-Tom to *** and not ***.

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Xacobeo year 2010. Been watching Sat-Sun coverage on TV Galicia from Santiago. Tremendous fireworks this year a budget of € 100,000 another big display on the 31st. The coverage of the Mass with the spanish royal couple and the swinging incense chalice.Tradition in the spanish manner.If you have a moment check the museum at AltaMira.

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