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Plums plums and more plums ... ideas please.


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Our plum trees are bursting with fruit, so much so that some branches have actually broken from the weight. Mirabelles, dark Victoria plums and cherry plums. Friends have come and filled shopping bags but there are still more and I'm running out of ideas. If I lived near a road I would put out boxes and invite people to help themselves but we are off the beaten track.

I plan to stew and freeze a lot. LIkewise jam making but there are just so many. So I would like to use them creatively.

Recipes please ... !
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How about this one?

Plum and lemon crunch

Serves 8-10

3 tablespoons caster sugar (à poudre)

6 tablespoons water

1 kilo plums or damsons

1 litre tub vanilla ice cream

350-400 g lemon (or ginger) flavoured biscuits, cookie type rather than wafers, lightly crushed into smallish pieces (not fine crumbs).

900g (2lb) loaf tin, lined with cling film

1. Heat the sugar and water in a pan and when it dissolves bring to the boil and add the plums.  Simmer for 10-15 mins until the fruit is softened.  Take off the heat and allow to cool a little before pushing the juice and flesh through a sieve, leaving the stones and skins behind.  You should have about 18 fl oz of puree.  Leave the puree to become completely cold.

2.  Spoon the ice cream into a large bowl and soften it slightly, but don't allow it to melt.  Stir in the biscuits and half the puree to create a marbled effect.  Reserve the rest of the puree and keep in the fridge until ready, to serve as a coulis*.

3.  Spoon the icecream mixture into the tin, wrapping the cling film over the top.  Freeze for 4-5 hours or overnight until firm.

4.  To serve, remove the icecream from the freezer about 15 mins before required.  Dip the bottom of the tin in hot water for a few seconds if needed.  Turn it onto a serving dish, and remove the cling film before cutting into individual slices.  Serve the coulis separately in a jug.

*Any leftover puree can be frozen for up to three months.  The crunch can also be made ahead of time and also stored for up to three months.

Bon appetit!


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Plum Compote with Iced Coconut Cream

100g creamed coconut chopped

450 ml double cream

1/2 tsp almond extract

2 tbsp lemon juice

75g icing sugar

2 lge egg whites

700g plums

2 cinnamon sticks halved

freshly grated nutmeg

2 tbsp lemon juice

Juice of 1 orange

50g darb brown muscovado sugar

To make the cocunut cream place the creamed coconut in a pan with 150ml of the double cream and heat gently for about 2 minutes stirring until the coconut has melted. Pour into a mixing bowl & add the remaining cream, almond extract, lemon juice and icing sugar and beat until smooth. Chill in the fridge for 15 mins

Whisk the egg whites until soft peaks then fold into the coconut cream then put into a freezer container and freeze for 1-1 1/2 hrs until firm but not solid.

Preheat the oven to 220/gas 7. Halve the plums and remove stones. Put into dish and add the cinnamon, nutmeg then pour over the lemon and orange juice and sprinkle with the sugar.

Roast for 20 mins until soft and lightly browned.

Spoon into bowls and top with scoops of coconut cream..............yummy!

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Chinese Duck with Plum Sauce

450g plums

2 red chillies

150g caster sugar

100ml white wine vinegar

150ml cold water

1 teaspoon grated ginger (optional)

First halve the plums and halve and de-seed the chillies. Place all of the ingredients in a heavy based pan.

Cover and simmer gently for about 20 minutes until the plums are soft and collapsed.

Rub through a sieve to remove stones and skins.

Taste and adjust seasonings if necessary.

The sauce will keep well in the fridge for up to two weeks and is perfect with any Chinese duck dish.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Great website with loads of ideas for your fruit and veg. 

I made the Fresh Plum Cake from this website yesterday, and although it won't get rid of the glut of plums, it tastes delicious.

Now, can anyone tell me why my plum jam refuses to set.  This is the fourth time I've ended up with plum syrup (which is good in greek yoghurt or with a bit of duck, but I would actually like to make JAM!!!!   Any suggestions?


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1. Do you have a jam thermometer?  If so, take the jam just over the point indicated for 'Setting'

2.Add a little pectin, you can get this in powder form and you really only need a little

3. Or get the pectin from rhubarb, adding some will not affect the flavour at all but will aid setting

Good luck!

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