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semolina and couscous


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Pommier: This link describes the two quite well. Basically the semolina is unground therefore it should either be ground for use or use cous cous which is already ground from semolina:


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I insist on calling couscous 'semolina' to UK friends as I know that the grains are 'semoule' and the dish is couscous. But like a some words, it is now lost in translation.

I have got semonlina in my kitchen store as used in puddings when I was a kid, and that is like flour it has been so finely milled.

I don't use the bought milled semolina in cakes as I prefer the 'cous cous' grains that I put in the blender, as odd bits still 'croque' slightly, but not enough to break any teeth though. Not too much in the blender a heaped tablespoon at a time is enough in my blender, but if you have one of those very expensive ones, then maybe it can cope with more.
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[quote user="Frenchie"]I don't know about semolina in England, but here, it is not like flour, and I would definitely use it for cakes, couscous would not be used for cakes in France.[/quote]

I totally agree. It's different in England.  Anyone Googling can have the differences explained, the origins of both, the coarseness or not of each product, and their usage. 

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[quote user="Pommier"]I've not seen semolina in France (not looked hard enough?). I remember in being like a coarsish flour in the UK, but it was just for puddings when I was young.[/quote]

Semoule fine / semoule fine de blĂ© dur (photos) is used for puddings like gĂ¢teau de semoule (photos).

Semoule moyenne / semoule moyenne de blé dur is used for savoury dishes.

Semoule is also available as a flour (farine de semoule de blé dur) which is the equivalent to the Italian 00 used for pasta-making.

Couscous is made from semoule which is dampened, rolled and dried; it is also available in various grades of coarseness (couscous fin; couscous moyen; couscous gros- rarer).

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