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Left over pastry


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When I wrote my naughty naughty thread, it was about a meat pie, which I had every intention of making, but as there was left over pastry I made a tarte tatin too.

I always use the left over pastry, whether it be just rolling out the last bit and putting it on a saucer with a little jam on it and baking that.

Or using lemon curd instead, even putting slices of apple on top of the lemon curd as it goes in.


Sometimes I make egg custard, or little tartlets which can have jam or lemon curd, or with jam and frangipan in them, or jam and coconut, egg, sugar mix on them.


Seems a waste to me to stick it in the bin when it is there and the oven is already on to bake what ever I originally intended to bake.


AND Sweet17 if I use puff pastry, if I have to trim my tarte/pie dish, I put the slithers of pastry on the baking tray and bake them too. Sometimes I just brush with milk and sprinkle cheese on them before baking or just bake them and then sprinkle with icing sugar and dip them into chantilly as eating them. Naughty, but very nice.

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It will keep OK in the fridge for about a week too. I tried to freeze some, but it went slimy when defrosting. I too, make little plate tarts or a type of one piece eccles cake with dried fruit,spice and sugar and keep folding it over and rolling about three times so it makes layers, something my mum always used to do with leftover pasty and a teatime treat.
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I'm pleased I'm not the only one whp uses every bit of pastry. My favourite is to roll it out thinly, cover with grated cheese, fold it over twice then repeat. cut into small pieces brush with milk and bake. They don't last long once out of the oven.

Remember when we where young helping mum - rolling out the bits of pastry over and over until it was grey, then making jam tarts which Dad had to eat because his little girl had made them!!!!
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My Dad makes pastry and it is always grey as he has very hot hands. Still makes good pastry though.

Yes, good idea the folding thing. I've only ever done that with puff pastry,but yes,  it would work with short crust too, I'll try it.


I've never kept other than rubbed in pastry in the fridge, if I have made the 'paste' then I have never tried keeping it especially as the oven is hot and ready. I could see it going slimy if defrosted.


I hate wasting food.

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Chorley cakes, what a good idea! It makes me want to make extra shortcrust pastry deliberately. I never throw anything either, especially not extra shortcrust pastry (the only sort I ever make, even when sablée or feuilletée is required - I just can't face putting in all the extra fat, seems to me that shortcrust is already laden with it!). I find that shortcrust pastry is very passe-partout anyway. You can use it for anything.
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You are a group of very naughty women of whom idun is the undoubted leader![:D]

You know, for decades, I trained myself NOT to like pastry products, to the extent that I wouldn't eat even mince pies which were one of my very favourite things.

Then, one summer, when we had buckets of courgettes from our garden, that arch tempter, 5-element, gave us a recipe for courgette tart (lots of good, hot Dijon mustard painted on the base) and I was forever and unashamedly hooked on pastry.

Then, that other great tempter, JJ, brought me ceramic beads from the UK so, after that, it was no longer feasible to avoid pastry.

Now, with your ideas, I think I will make some cheese straws as I have some Emmental in the fridge and a very good block of Parmigiano in the freezer.

Then, of course, you can't eat cheese straws without a drink or two, can you?

Just as well I have mislaid the scales (for weighing humans and not pastry) when we moved house!

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I don't have scales for humans, I have a jacket. If it gets tight then I cut back.

I also have all the clothes I put away when I lost weight two years ago. Just looking at them should put me off over eating. Although it is a strange thing with me, even though I was a lot bigger than I am now, everyone used to say I was fine. WHY, I have no idea, but I was fine in my skin, if you see what I mean, I wasn't bothered about my size, other than it being a bit of a pain getting things to fit.  And it wasn't through proper dieting I lost weight either especially as diets are not a good thing for me.

I don't have ceramic beads, I use chic peas. Firstly I stick the new ones in the bottom of the oven when I have a roast in. Then leave them to cool and put them in a box. Cover pastry in greaseproof paper and then the chic peas to blind bake let them cool and straight back in the box. What a cheap skate I am eh![Www]

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I'd rather have a bit of spare bulk on me than be like many of the anorexic/bulemic-looking women in this commune who always look like they suffer/will suffer from brittle bones,anorexia and nerves and for whom a dam good feed is what they need. People around here are so predicable with what they buy each week and always the same things for the same meals. In fact, with some of the weight I have put on this year (mostly brought on by overeating stress) people have said how well I look
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[quote user="sweet 17"]

Then, of course, you can't eat cheese straws without a drink or two, can you?


Yes you can, I could prove it to you anytime. How do you think those of us who do not drink manage???

I am so flattered to have been the channel that drove you to shortcrust pastry orgies. Anyway Sweet, if you ever find your shape-changing intolerable, you can always go on another Santiago pilgrimage, you know you can lose stones that way! Shrink the body, expand the spirit and the mind![:D]

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