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Now it's the turn of the plums.....


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Or damsons or whatever they are....

No, I don't mean infected with e coli but hanging in ripe, purplish clusters on the trees and something needs to be done to them!

I've so far dealt with the strawberries that my French neighbours brought me, then there were the cerises, then today I have made mirabelle jam (in the midst of the canicule) and it now looks like I will have to do something with the plums/damsons.

Worse is to come...I see the figs growing bigger by the day and the walnuts look to be plentiful!

In the spring, when we were new to this house, I was so pleased with the pretty white blooms on these 3 or 4 trees lining the drive.  Little did I realise that the pretty blooms were going to mean lots of purplish black fruit!

I'm not complaining but one feels under an obligation not to waste this largesse.....

I hate thinking about the millions who would love to get some of these fruit and nuts into their empty bellies, poor things.  And here we are heaped with good things and at a loss as to what to do with it all.

Strange world, don't you think?

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Know what you mean sweets.

After a bumper crop of cherries, the 1st in our 4 years, our plum tree is already hanging heavy with weeks to go. The peach tree isn't far behind.

Mustn't complatin though hey, nuture's bounty and all that................[:D]

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I would make compote, wash and stone the plums. Into a pan with a little sugar, low heat, bring to a simmer and as soon as the plums are cooked take off the heat. there'll be loads of liquid.

I freeze in portions.


Why do I use less sugar, well I love plum sweet and sour sauce and I find it easier to use 'sour' plums in it to get the taste right. And if I want the plums for other things, then I add sugar.


I have a sweet and sour easy recipe from a chinese friend, would you like it?

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Sweet and Sour sauce. Exactly the way I was taught., nothing precise.

A good teaspoon of maizena, a tablespoon of sugar in a bowl and a good tablespoon of any vinegar and mix until the cornflour is slaked. Add a good dash of soy sauce and then add a cup of water and stir. Then taste, if it tastes like sweet and sour it is good, if it needs more vinegar or sugar or soy just add.  Go by the taste you want.

Then bring slowly to the boil stirring all the time and then when it is boiling I add a good half cup of cooked plum compote. Boil up and taste and if it needs more sugar, soy or vinegar I just add. If too thick, add water, if too thin, mix up a little cornflour with water in a bowl and put some hot with the cold and stir, then add to the hot mix.

And as friends expect 'red' if I have guests I add a little puree de tomate, to redden it up.


When I am making a chinese banquet, as one of the dishes I get battered calamari and fry them up and they are delicious eaten with this sauce, but hey, it is good with lots of other chinese dishes too. I cannot use other recipes as I am allergic to some products, so it was a good thing I was given this one.


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We have masses of plums and make a lot of wine from them, not the best at first but it does eventually clear. We too have a full to burstin walnut crop this year like the OP, hope they manage to stay on until they are ready to drop. You can make very nice chutney from plums too.
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I have just looked up Far Breton and then dug my recipe out.

Traditionally,apparently, and I didn't realise, a Far Breton is made with pruneaux. The recipe that was given to me was made with plums and on one web site it did say that it could be made with plums, as I imagine that breton ladies are canny enough to make things with what they have.

My recipe's title and I hadn't  really taken much notice, says, 'Far a ma façon' which is delightful really. The lady had signed and dated it along with the town name. I am so glad to have it.

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Seems like all we do is talk about cooking and eating.......

I enjoy both, believe me, though not so much in this heat.

Will deffo make your clafoutis, Norman.  I've never actually made it though I have had it in restaurants and friends' houses.

If all these discussions continue, and I try out all your ideas, I shall grow to be the size of my chateau![+o(]

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[Www]All we do is talk about cooking on the food board, yes, Sweet17 all we do is talk about cooking on the food board. [;-)]

Me thinks you'll have to steer clear of this bit of the board if you don't want to end up like the back end of a chateau, or never ever copy any recipes down. I'll warn you, there is very little that I will post that will not be highly calorific, I am very 'bad' where calories are concerned.

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