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basic biscuit recipe


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I make these regularly, and thought I would share the recipe with you:

1) Beat together 2 eggs

                           160ml of cooking oil

2) beat in 150g white sugar

                  50g brown sugar

                   2teasp vanilla.

3) weigh and mix 100g wholemeal flour

                              200g white flour

                                 50g oats or oarmeal

                              2 teasp baking powder

4)Add dry ingredient to other mixture. It should be very stiff - if not add more flour.

Place spoonfuls of the mixture on a paper-lined baking sheet (space out as they spread) and bake in a slow to moderate oven for about 20 to 30 mins (until browned.)

You can add other things such as nuts, dried fruit, chocolate chips etc. Even cocoa I suppose, though I haven't tried that.

ps You will probably need to bake them in 2 batches as these quantities make about 40 biscuits.

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Hi, Pat, how are you?

Yes, I often bake biscuits and I have bags of oats and oatmeal in my pantry.  Will deffo try your recipe.  In fact, only thinking about you today.

I made some cup cakes to take to French neighbours this evening but, by damn, it was hot to have the oven on!

I am now pretty bushed but I'll let you know how the biscuits work out.....[:)]

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  • 4 weeks later...

Patf, that looks like it will make a lot of biscuits. Do you have any idea how many. Have you ever halved the amounts? I know that sometimes that doesn't work.

I only ask as if I make a lot, I could well end up eating just about all of them, and I mustn't. Yesterday I made a treacle sponge and I ate most of that, I actually didn't have anything else and it was so good, but a healthy diet, 'just' eating my baking, it is not.

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Pat, I haven't got round to making them yet.  I was going to ask you whether you just spoon the mixture on to the tray or do you roll them into little balls?

As you know, I have this ridiculous ginormous oven and I could easily put six large square baking trays in my oven.  Come Christmas I might just be baking 3 batches of those......er....perhaps not quite as many as that, unless idun comes to stay, of course.

It's been too hot to do much baking and I can only have the oven on when I myself am elsewhere in the house.

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[:D] You make me sound like Miss Piggy, and I am not, well not these days. Hence my reluctance to bake anything that only I will eat and that won't freeze. Somethings are IMO always best eaten when freshly baked.

When I poach pears in red wine, I like to serve a nice home made biscuit or two with them and a dollop of cream or creme fraiche, always goes down well.


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Course I didn't mean that you are Miss Piggy, id.  I thought you might say you'd come to stay and eat my biscuits, LOL.

I do a couple of types of biscuits, one with coconut and rolled oats (very crispy and can be too crumbly if mixture isn't spot on) and one with oatmeal and raisins.

The latter sounds like it might be similar to Pat's recipe.

Edit:  I normally roll them into little balls so that they will spread into more or less regular round shapes. 

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No, Pat, it's NOT good to have an oven the size of this one.  One big, cavernous space and I don't like using it for, say, just one small dish.  Takes forever to heat up and I am not sure that it never reaches the heat it's meant to as everything takes longer than usual to cook.

Now, in my other house, that is a different matter.  Massive oven but it's divided into 3 ovens so there's always one that is just the right size for whatever I'm cooking.

I do miss my wood-fired oven most of all.  Meat just has this incredible taste when cooked in it, even the cheapest cuts turn out like choice cuts.

Sometimes, it's actually quite hard to try and use up oven space as I take forever to prepare diffferent things to cook all at once.

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