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a moment's hesitation


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I was going to bake a cherry pie and then as I got everthing out I wondered what it would be like if I put frangipan as a lid instead of pastry.

And now I've come to a halt and am unsure as to whether it would be good or not. I tried frangipan on mince pies this xmas and it was fade to be honest and I felt I had wasted my time. However, cherries and almonds are a good marriage of flavours.


Anyway tried this and how was it?

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Glace cherries are expensive. And I love cherry scones and I use a full tub when I make my cherry scones, as I love lots of cherries in them.

I use ground almonds in cherry cake too. Strangely the only time I ever make cherry cake is if I am coming down with a very bad cold or even flu. I get this desire to bake a cherry cake and the next day I'm ill and cannot taste it.[:@]

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 yes Idun , I've used frangipane on a cherry tart and it works well- I'm generous with cherries and add a few drops of almond essence and a dessertspoon of kirsch to the frangipane mixture.

 I've done the same with apricots too...very yum but not much good for the post-Christmas regime.. but neither are the mouth-watering galettes des rois! then before we've got over those it'll be pancake time again...

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Worse then forgotten bugnes Idun, I don't even know them!! Have just had to look them up! I love any type of  beignet.  I may have to give them a serious try...

I'm trying hard to lose weight and for a variety of reasons am eating very "sensibly" at the moment but what is it about a cold frosty day that makes you automatically drool for rich warm comforting goodies!

 Thanks for the nudge- I will try to resist as long as pos!

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Trouble with bugnes is that there lots and lots of recipes, some with a yeast based dough and others not. Some are delicious and others weigh in your belly and you feel like you've swallowed a brick. I suppose it boils down to some people can cook and others cannot, and sometimes the ones that can't, think that they can!!![:-))]

My friend Francine makes the best, but I haven't got her recipe. The reason being that when she starts, she makes hundreds and freely gives them away, and there never seemed much point in me making them too.  When I get around to it, I'll have to ask her for her recipe.

Pancakes in France are for Chandeleur which this year is soon, the 2nd February. And Mardi Gras,well, it is Bugnes, at least where I used to live they were and were eaten  in great quanities during the weeks preceeding Mardi Gras too.

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Pancakes and Chandeleur I knew about but Bugnes at Mardi Gras I just hadn't come across, though I do know that twice we have eaten what I took to be beignets at around about this time of year but no explanation was given. I'll talk to the friend who had made. Meanwhile if you do get hold of your friend's recipe please do post it.. It's nice to try something different .
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Well I made it. I blind baked the bottom and that was not really successful, the edges got caught and the bottom was soft. Did I say I HATE MY GAS OVEN!

I gently sliced and removed the over done bits, put cherries in it and covered it in frangipan with a little ameretto in the mix. and it took an hour to cook and was not golden on the top, more like very very dark brown and black and it still wasn't cooked. And that was with the oven turned right down.

When it was cooked I cut off the dark crust and we had some. I'll not make one again, not special enough to go to all the trouble really. And if we had been going somewhere, I'd have had to make something else, as there is no way on earth that I would have taken anything that looked like that.

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