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There are worse things than Horsemeat


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Thanks for that NH, but I can only wonder why the nouvelobs is just onto it now. Jamie Oliver had a campaign against chicken nuggets a few years ago and explained exactly what was in them. The salmon farm thing has been highlighted more times than I care to remember.

 So is the french psyche so fixed that no one thought these things concerned France?  Plenty of people work in the food processing places AND the labs that test, had no one the courage to leak it to journalists????

There is a lot to be said for careful shopping and food fait maison.

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I don't think the Nouvel Ob has just got onto it now - those types of articles appear regularly, just like there are many TV programmes in the same vein - perhaps it's because I tend to watch these as I have always been particularly interested, but there are plenty of them, always have been. Nothing new here.  .  What the Nouvel Ob did just now is to show the precise details for several foodstuffs - salmon and cocktail sausages for instance. I really think that people are no different in France from elsewhere:  many are under no illusion about  processed and industrial foodstuff. Hence the urge to stay with "terroir" products. It is taking time, but there is more and more awareness and tendency to shop for local, seasonal, good quality products with 100% traceability.

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Fortunately, I never buy any of the items mentioned apart from smoked salmon.

I now buy that from Aldi.  Don't know if it's any better than smoked salmon from elsewhere but the colour IS rose pâle.  Don't eat that much of it, just for something easy when people come for a drink and occasionally to put in a cream sauce for pasta.

And since 5-e told me about panga, I have not[:)] bought or eaten it. 

Je veux dire "bonjour" à toi, 5-e!

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I'm pleased to hear that 5E. The nouvelobs used to be very good at reporting, but I have no idea what it has been like for the past few years.

We only get TV5 Monde now and I tend to watch the news every night, Thalassa or Faut pas Rever (but not always) and the odd film.

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[quote user="sweet 17"]

Je veux dire "bonjour" à toi, 5-e!


Merci Sweet, bonjour à toi aussi!.

But if you want your sentence to sound really French, your will say "Je veux TE dire bonjour, 5-e!"[:D]

Here we go, I just can't help it, always correcting people, it must drive Mr 5-e mad![:'(]

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[quote user="5-element"][quote user="sweet 17"]

Je veux dire "bonjour" à toi, 5-e!


Merci Sweet, bonjour à toi aussi!.

But if you want your sentence to sound really French, your will say "Je veux TE dire bonjour, 5-e!"[:D]

Here we go, I just can't help it, always correcting people, it must drive Mr 5-e mad![:'(]

Merci, 5-e.

Donc, je te remercie de m'a corrigé.....c'est OK?  Probably not, but I HATE grammar (in any language)!  En revanche, je trouve ta langue vraiment passionante! 

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Yeah, yeah, I get it now!  Thanks, guys.

I knew it didn't sound right but I didn't know how to correct it[:)]

The teacher was giving out some printouts last week for a grammar exercise and she gave me a blank sheet of paper as a joke. She knew only too well that I'd be complaining and everybody had a laugh at my expense.

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