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The times they are a changin'?


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One out of every two sandwiches sold in France last year was a hamburger, but the German-American classic's runaway success has not been attributed to fast-food restaurants.

The hamburger, a food often associated with the unrefined American palate, is taking French restaurants by storm. Around 970 million meat patties on a bun were sold in France in 2013, a figure that represents half of last year's sandwich sales, according to a recent study.

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[quote user="You can call me Betty"]You'd think, if that was the case, that the Institut Francais would have come up with a French word for it. Not that anyone would use it....


and that they'd make them better - ie with a nice pate and not always meat ..... ie, more like a real Italian pizza!


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[quote user="You can call me Betty"]You'd think, if that was the case, that the Institut Francais would have come up with a French word for it. Not that anyone would use it....


That made me think of Velcro........... says it all in french, but what do the french say......... 'scratch'.

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Maybe the run away success of the burger sheds is solely due to the fact they are actually open, a bonus is they are actually open either side of the statutory meal times too.  I hate to eat pre chewed patties from fast food outlets but i gave up with the offerings of Paul deli on motorways as the flies seemed to have first sittings and the "food" looked liked it had been there for days, yuk so I went hungry until I got home.

I drove through village after village in Dordognshire even one call Meze, and that was between the hours of 6.30pm  and 8.30pm nowt, nada, burger all open. In most cases deserted villages with stupid speed restrictions, there wasn't any one I could have run over!

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I have to say that in England too, getting normal food or say a coffee can be a problem at certain hours. Ok the pubs are open these days, but I have never got out of my french habit of shopping late afternoon, just as it happens as many shops are shutting along with the coffee shops and the bistros are not open either. Maybe that is just the NE, but it does get me down.

I don't go to McDo's, they are always open, I go home.

I remember when we first moved to France and the french used to tell us rather colourfully what they thought of McDonalds and hamburgers and how it would never happen in France. And then one of the biggest restaurants in the centre of the city was taken over by the Quick and all the burger places started springing up. 

There have been great changes in french eating habits recently as there has never been so many sandwiches sold at lunch times.

I  remember us deciding to buy sandwiches to eat during our journey north from our french home. For several years since the motorway had opened to the east of Lyon, we had started to cut through the Bugey region and it is just my opinion, but I would not like to break down on that road, to me it feels like dualling banjo country. Could we buy something in any of the villages or towns along that road, could we heck. I was pleased to see the big chicken sign at the Aire Poulet de Bresse. They do a very good raclette panini there.

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French working men here chomp on a baguette for lunch - just plain, no extras.

Plus a bottle of water or cheap red wine.

In the nearest market town there are a few restaurants which do a 3 course lunch for about 12€ - the menu usually sounds tasty and I've seen the chefs buying fresh veg.

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Even at the airport which now has a semi nice kitchen setup, food is served at French meal times, no problem with that I suppose but the flights don't go in and out at meal times do they Doh!  Entrepreneur, the word the French invented, don't make me choke on my coffee........... which is about the only thing apart from a sandwich you can buy whilst waiting for your flight.

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