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What meats would go together well..............


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to cook on brochettes?

I am thinking of  a mixture of meats including some  "luxury" meats such as duck or steaks or ostrich or rabbit ?

We are supposed to take some people to a very nice restaurant but, wouldn't you know, all 3 restos where I can vouch for the food are fully booked.

I myself don't want to cook anything too complicated in this heat plus my oven is rubbish.

So, if anyone can suggest something really tasty that I can put on skewers and give me the recipe for a nice marinade that will suit all the meats, I'd be really grateful.

I'll get the entrees at a traiteur and the dessert is no probs and I do not want to do a great big mains that will result in a lot of washing up.

Suggestions, lots of them please, all you cooks out there[:D]

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Why do they need to be made with luxury meats? I ask as by the time you've skewered them and probably put pieces of pepper and/ or onions between each bit and maybe some herbs, then the taste of the meat gets rather 'drowned'. And if you are going to marinate the meat well that drowns the taste too.

I really would just buy normal brochette meats.

The dearest ones I ever do are the sea food ones with cubes of firm fish and sometimes scallops and sometimes king prawn, and that little lot can be very expensive.

I had to smile when you mentioned ostrich, as I remember the first time I was given an ostrich steak, at least that is what it looked like, I was so disappointed when it tasted like 'chicken' or fowl at least and not steak![:-))]

edit, my favourite thing on the bbq is bbq'd veggies, I just love them better than anything else.

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I am rather with Idun and would add that I would not mix meats on the same skewer anyway.

Different meats require different cooking times/temperatures and mixing them just creates a culinary nightmare. If you want different meats then have different skewers so that for example, the steak one can be pulled to one side to keep warm while the chicken one cooks thoroughly through.
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Thanks, guys, as usual you have come up with the answers!

I think I'll do some lamb ones and some duck and some chicken so that's that sorted[:D]

Won't be bbq-ing them btw as I don't find that damn gas thing I was given can be relied upon.  Will just grill (there again, the grill is rubbish) or even oven cook them.

I'd like to do a selection of meats just so's everyone can have some that they like.

I only mention ostrich, id, because there is an ostrich farm near us and their duck and ostrich paté is just yum!

Merci encore à tous [:)]

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Have you really not got a bbq? You are talking about something quite different if you are grilling. I would have thought you could use whichever meats you wanted, as there will not be that 'smoked' effect.

In fact, IF I was just feeding folks, I'd bang a gratin in the oven and just cook them some 'meat', maybe ostrich, whatever you think/like.

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Yes, I've got a gas bbq given to me but I have never "got into" it.

No, I'm quite happy to grill the meats on skewers as then I don't need to keep checking them for too long.

The original idea was to all go a resto but I don't like any old resto and, needless to say, my 3 favourites are all booked for the Saturday after the Assumption holiday on Friday.

Nevermind, I now know what I want to do so only the shopping left and to pick something suitable to drink.

Thanks, id.

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