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Tarte Tatin


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Id, I have been complimented so often for the mascarpone pastry that, if somebody were to eat it and not say something appreciative, I would be most put out!

Unless I am using bought flakey pastry, I would almost always opt for the mascarpone these days.

The other advantage is you could freeze your baked goods and, when it's all thawed, the pastry remains good and retains some crunch.

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I cut rounds and pulled up the edges.  For the filling, I used bought pork for farci, added fresh sage and minced onions.

I considered sprinkling the parcels with sesame seeds after I painted on the egg yolk but decided against the seeds in case they burnt.

I tried one and have frozen the rest as they will come in useful when I have friends and neighbours round for drinks around Christmas.  I usually ask my neighbours after mass, whichever day that is (depends on when they can get the priest to come)

It's not that I am particularly religious but old habits die hard[:D]

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Patf, found this on here, cannot find mine either, but admit that I do this au pif now and I think I've use SR as well as plain flour too.

Mascarpone Pastry

6 oz flour, 3 oz butter and half a tub of 250G mascarpone cheese. So for my xmas mince pies double it all and use the full tub.

I add a pinch of salt to it. Rub the butter into the flour and add the mascarpone and mix it up, no other liquid. I think that mint lets it rest, but I don't. Bake at about 200° and I just love it, but it is very calorific.

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 Yes, it is isn't it. I don't bother making my mince any more as now I am England. Made it for years and years and years, but there somehow feels to be no need now, just buy good quality mince and do the rest.

So hard to get half decent bought mince pies, although, I do recommend Cafe Nero as the best I have had in years gone by, that includes 'Betty's in York' who come way down my list...... and my second best with a coffee is from Costa.

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