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Well would you believe it, apparently lard is 'now' very good.


I would sometimes  buy saindoux from my village butcher in France, and once he asked what I used it for. Well, I said to fry with, as I always had it in my chip pan AND I always made short crust pastry with half lard, to which he said, that he did too, but didn't tell his customers as they probably wouldn't like the idea........ but we both agreed lard always made good pastry![:D]

Even now, when making fish and chips, I always fry the fish in lard or beef dripping if I have it, but usually lard, always better than in say sunflower oil. And I still use half and half for my shortcrust pastry, and I make very good pastry.

So in the last few years, butter has had a better press, but I had never imagined that lard ever would.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I'm rather late with my reply here, but I heard lots of the articles about this and I was delighted.  I don't roast a large piece of meat very often but, when I do, I always make sure I pour off the excess fat and juices so that I can have dripping and jelly on toast.  My tastes run on the savoury side of things rather than sweet, and dripping on toast is one of the most delicious things.  For years, though, it's been a bit of a guilty secret although I could never see that much difference between lard/dripping and butter from a fat point of view.  I can come clean now!  My late mother was Irish and one of my most mouth watering and abiding memories of Dublin is the smell of the chip shops there - they always fry in lard rather than oil, and their chips are delicious. 

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Unsaturated fats have always been good for you, unless you are trying to loose weight and have tooooooo much.

As for the so called healthy spreads the only people they are healthy for are the manufacturers and they are very healthy for their bank balance!!

It's like frying with olive oil! That's a delicate oil and if the temperature goes over 80ºC during processing it is spoiled. Even the so called cold pressed can go over that temp because of the continuous pressing methods. Pressure causes heat. So try frying and not going over 80ºC [:-))]

Lard, butter and the other fats are great. we only get raw milk, unsalted butter and have done for ages, and it's delicious, miam miam miam [8-|] Due to circumstances at the moment I'm off grains so no bread. Otherwise I can't think of owt much better than dripping on toast!!!

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Is it just a government ploy? They are facing a large and growing older population and worryingly high cost to look after them. Everyone enjoys lard so why not send them off early with a happy well fed smile.

Although sugar is bad they haven't reversed that one yet [Www]

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I was always amused by Egg-weena Curry and her booboo. It would appear that everything is god/bad/indifferent as time goes on.

The thing that frightens the very hell out of me is Monsanto in particular and GM in general. I wonder what they are going to do when they have poisoned everyone and they don't have a market to sell to? They'll probably sue anyone wots left for not telling them it was dangerous [:-))]

That bunch of idiots have just opened a place in Trebes, just down the road from us, and I have yet to hear anyone say a good word about the place?

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No, I saw this on something like 'Trust me I'm a Doctor' on BBC, so doubt it is a government policy and frankly most old people I know have used butter and lard all their lives and are in their 90's and older[:-))] My Dad once asked about cooking oil and asked what he'd do with it. He never bought any.

I have a sweet tooth, but I love pork dripping on a slice of bread with a sprinkling of salt. Lots of jelly and a little of the fat, absolutely delicious. And me, I don't care what others think about that, I know what I like........... [Www]

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[quote user="Jonzjob"]I was always amused by Egg-weena Curry and her booboo. It would appear that everything is god/bad/indifferent as time goes on.


Do you mean getting jiggy with John Major?  Only it's the first time in my life I can actually remember a politician telling it how it is, the truth and screw the consequences. Eggs are now safer because of Mrs Curry and it was an act of bravery to speak out before people got seriously ill.

Agree about Monsanto........

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[quote user="idun"]No, I saw this on something like 'Trust me I'm a Doctor' on BBC, so doubt it is a government policy and frankly most old people I know have used butter and lard all their lives and are in their 90's and older[:-))] My Dad once asked about cooking oil and asked what he'd do with it. He never bought any.

I have a sweet tooth, but I love pork dripping on a slice of bread with a sprinkling of salt. Lots of jelly and a little of the fat, absolutely delicious. And me, I don't care what others think about that, I know what I like........... [Www]


I was only teasing idun,  I have been looking at the subject and watched the programe since Mrs T went on the Atkins diet and it was known about a long time before that but our government appoint experts from food companies so what do we expect but a move towards their companies products. Just like when they appointed people to advise that sugar was good as it had no fat..........From Tate & Lyle [blink]

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