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I'm a dunker


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I just love dunking, whether it be cake or brioche, or a nice baguette smothered in butter and jam, or a croissant or pain au chocolat etc  in a hot drink.

Before I moved to France I would sometimes dunk biscuits, but this goes way and beyond the humble biscuit.

What better way to eat an american style muffin, ie a dry cake, which may be full of flavour, but a quick dunk moistens it wonderfully. And I feel sure that usually these would be buttered in England, in times gone by.

My friends in England look slightly revolted by this, but, I simply do not care one iota if they do not like this, I thoroughly enjoy doing this and will not stop!

So are you french residents dunkers like your french neighbours or OH 's.

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I have to say that I am always revolted by seeing the French dunk jam-loaded croissants into their coffee at breakfast, idun! It may be from having had to dissuade the children not to follow suit.

It's a bit two-faced, as I do like to dunk ginger biscuits in tea.

An otherwise dear French friend is known to take the spoon from the marmalade jar towards the end of breakfast and suck it - which I wouldn't mind, except that he then puts it back in the jar! } - ((

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Around the breakfast table with a French customer as I noticed someone forgot to put a handle on me cup! then I watched all the crumbs and what not fall off their breakfast into their cups forming a sort of slurry which they then drank of all things.

Funny lot these foreigners.[;-)]

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I have to admit to dunking nearly everything, it makes it easier on the gums [:-))]

The exception is bread/butter/jam in coffee, just not my cup of tea [;-)]

My favourite is a cheese sandwich dunked in piping hot tomato soup so the cheese goes a little bit runny - can't wait for lunchtime now!

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And I thought that everyone did that Pierre, in fact, that is exactly what I shall be doing this lunch time.

Fancy foods....... well, I cook them and enjoy them. But at heart I have very simple tastes, and this too is also one of my favourite repas!!

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